
Just a quick entry

Went out for supper the night before yesterday and sneaked out to play. well, it was halloween afterall. (Gav, sorry i didn't go for the school party, the rain really dampened the spirit, and causing you to have one less familiar face to be with. hope you brighten up!)

We went about MS(mohd sultan) and had supper, and saw some very interesting people who dressed up. quite cool, there were draculars(of coz), devils(as usual) and a bunny girl(very interesting). oh oh, not forgetting the caucasian woman who was dressed up as a spider witch or something.. she had a witch's hat on and spiders hanging down everywhere and on her face! quite cool.. And i managed to meet a friend there while i was eating as well! which was quite unexpected. actually i can't really remember where he is from and all, but i do know that i know him coz i can recognise him alright.(probably from pri or sec sch..) and he asked me if i can borrow/lend(i still can't get this right) him my bag so that he can smuggle some food into the clubs. the friend i was with was so shocked when i simply took out my stuff and gave him my bag. well, i reognise him, i know i knew him b4, and he looked friendly enough, so i believe he is not going to rob me of my bag. in any case, i already took out what ever there is to take out that is expensive. so, why not? he did return the bag to me shortly afterall, to prove that i did not make a wrong move.

And then we just loitered around and made merry, going through clubs and pubs looking at all the ppl who are dressed up from some olden english queen to dead priests. some of the costumes are really elaborate, and looks incredibly expensive.

the next day we went for brunch at the hyatt hotel, it was recommanded by a friend of his, but it wasn't that great, and pretty expensive, so he was kindda unsatisfied and said that he won't trust her recommandations anymore. quite childish i thought. anyway, after that we went shopping, and i bought a skirt, and 2 tops while he got himself a pair of khaki pants. quite nice actually, though i didn't think it was that great before he tried it on. and then he thought i should get new shoes so we went shoe shopping, but i'm quite particular with my shoes.. so couldn't find any that i like. anyway, he had work that he had to do, but we were suppose to watch a movie in the evening, so i went to his and read a book of his ---- how to deal with people you cannot stand, while he worked.

quite an interesting book, kindda like psychology book actually, teaches ppl how to interpret and react towards certain actions or reactions of ppl. and i did pretty well at it, reading almost 1/4 of it while he was working.. the book is about 250 pages thick.

and then about 6, he finally finished his work, but a crisis also found it's way, coz he had to send it to his client and boss via email, but he doesn't have an internet connection(been hitch hiking on his fellow neighbour's wireless all the while) and hitch hiking is really unstable, the signal is always fluctuating, and the connection kept going off.he thought the macdonalds at great world,which is where we were suppose to watch the movie, had wireless internet for it's customers, so we went there. only to find that he thought wrongly.. they had 2 computers connected to the internet there, but not wireless internet for laptops and such, so he had to go back to the office, but the movie was starting soon, so we split, and i had to go into the movies alone.where i got myself an aunt anne's sour cream and onion, followed by cup corn coz i was pretty hungry by then.

he on the otherhand was going through hell i think. haha.. he went to the office to find that the office is locked and he had lost his key. so he couldn't get in. there's wireless connection in the office, so he tried logging on, it worked, but he couldn't use the net for some weird reason neither of us could understand, so he had to find other ways of getting a connection. He smsed me for help, and i could only think of LAN shops. and then he ha a ingenius idea. he went to a nearby condominium, sat by it's pool, and hitch hiked on the wireless connection of the residents there... and it worked! he is unbelievable...

after which he came back to great world and joined me for the movie. oh ya, by the way the movie was 'shark's tale' very cute, but i kindda don't like the way they kindda fix a human's face on the fish's body, ya, very expressionful,but they don't look like fishes anymore... so i like the little prawns the most.. they are cute, prawnlike, and they super adorable voices... hahaha.. the story was alright, very cartoon, fantasy style where everything ended with a cherry on top.

anyway, afte the movie, we went for dinner at the crystal jade. we had xiao long bao, and some other dishes..i think the xiao long bao was the nicest.hehe.. anyway, after that i saw a pet shop and finally got myself to remember to buy my hamster her bedding and food. ;P i'm such a bad owner.. well, atleast she's still alive, it's already above expectation... ;P

and then soon after we went home. quite a nice way to spend the day i think. and i feel good. ;> gonna sleep now, and study later.. x_x"

seems like it's not such a short entry afterall~

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