
My hamster bit me!

yesterday while i was changing her drinking bottle, she took a big bite off my pinkie. sobz.. had i been really that bad to her? probably.. ;P but that period of time were she was down on food and bedding, my wallet was almost empty as well! and there isn't any pet store near my place, so it's not really my fault right?! wha... boo hoo.. she hates me.. ;(

Well, it's another boring entry. haha..

okie alittle update on my life now. B had gone to the philippines yesterday, J is still here. I made everything clear with O who came back from the philippines yesterday. and X will be back on sat morning, 5? wow.. he asked if i can go pick him up at the airport and accompany him until the 1st train.. but the thing is.. how am i supposed to get there if the 1st train is not there yet?! seems like everyone around me is just moving around.. like it's some kind of global movement.

I'm glad I made it clear to O though. It really kindda made my day. hmm... if anyone is wondering. I do not support multiple dating. but to like certain ppl is not really avoidable. so i try not to date them if that's the very least i can do.

Wanted to make a little toy decorative thing, but for so many days i couldn't find my boxes of plasticine! where have you all gone? :(
i bet my mom threw it away or kept it at a dark corner where i'll never be able to find until i buy myself new ones. Got the urge to make it so much. perhaps i will go down to the stores to buy new plasticine.. but to buy 3 big boxes again? haiz.. really feel like i'm wasting money and wasting my time.. in which both i'm lacking of currently.

oh ya, i did my GP paper yesterday.
'Have multi-national businesses had positive or negative impact on your society?'
haha.. don't know why i chose it also.. think i'm just stupid.

went to watch princess diary after the paper with liva though.. quite funny. very fairy tale.. but.. haiz.. made me think of unhappy and mind boggling things.. but then after that we went for dinner at cafe cartel. actually, it's I went for dinner, she only had coffee and some of my fries coz her mom had dinner at home. I had a whole rack of pork ribs! cool huh. and soup and bread and what not as well! it cost 19 bucks though.. but i think it's worth it.. hehee..yum yum.. should get my parents to go as well.. they have free flow home made bread.. hahaa.. think next time i'll just go there and order soup.. ;P

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