
Saturday morning syndrome

Yap, it's another Saturday morning.. I'll be tasting the Saturday mornings in London in about 2 weeks time now. Looking forward, yet a little reluctant.

Anyway, today is a typical Saturday morning in Singapore where I'll be up in the morning, whilst everyone else will be up around noon probably to have 'breakfast'. Everyone is either sleeping or went out? I doubt the latter. And there'd absolutely NOBODY else online except me.(atleast on msn it seems that way.)

Oh well, I like mornings.. I find them very refreshing. So I tend to wake up pretty much early as compared to the rest of the Singaporean population. Actually, it's also partially because I find it hard to fall back to sleep in the morning especially when I can feel sunlight coming through the window, even if it's the slightest.

-The language we must all learn-

Mornings that come with fresh smelling flowers
Birds that flock their feathers
Listening to the crows of the black birds
Suddenly seems much better
A slight mist in front of the window
As the rays of the Sun fell through
I feel the warmth that life brought for me
And the cool of the passing breezes
The skies of blue and white ripples
The green from near to far
I closed my eyes and listen in silence
The importance of all languages.

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