
Exams are OVER~!

took me awhile to realise that... haha..sinking in slowly..

kindda wasn't as 'over' as i thought it would feel. come to think of it.. I'm not sure what i'll do next year.. i was kindda 'recommanded' a job by a taxi driver the other day. it's $88 a day, minimum work for 2 5-day-weeks, from 7am-7pm as some kind of a photocopying factory operator. sounds good to me.. haha.. but i can only start work next year.. and he also asked me to try and ask my friends if they'd want the job as the place is really in need for helpers. So, if anyone is interested in the above deal, just give me a tag ya~ (have to go through an interview apparently.. oh ya, BTW, the place is near jurong)

I bought some CDs some days back. 7 cds all together..... !!!??? no lah, i'm not so rich... haha.. actually i only bought 2 cds the rest were all FREE! haha.. the person who was selling the CDs kept on pushing freebies at my face while trying to pursuade me to buy the 2 CDs. haha.. the scene was really quite funny. and he had to take out this rather big bag to contain all 7 pieces of cd when i am only paying for 2. haha.. ;P my mom reckon he was dazzled by my beauty.. hahaa... I think.. he is just damn bored at the store. hahaa.. ;P

It was quite a good week this week. B is very sick though, so i'm often out nursing him. I think he is kindda getting better.. somehow i don't think the medi that the doctors gave him did him much ,if any, good. I've been trying to give him some chinese medi i have at home.. but kept forgetting.. oh well. he seems to get sick quite easily, and recover reeeeeaaally slowly so i reckon i'd get my chance to give him the medi the next time he falls sick.. hahaa... ;P

Spent some nights in my friend's house, which was nice... it's always fun to have friends around all the time.. someone to just lie around or talk to whenever you want to. perhaps it is true that i do feel lonely sometimes.. most of my family is always not at home anyway... oh well...

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