

Omittance of vital truths/any truth deliberately=Lying
Purposefully misinterpreting and selectively answering=Lying
Not wanting to cause upset=Lying

Had a long day yesterday, atleast it seemed that way to me. I ask very direct questions sometimes, when i feel that there's no room for me to shy anymore.

'would you lie to me if you knew what you are going to do is going to upset me?' was my question.

'I have been honest with you so far even though you threatened to break up with me.' was the answer

following it was a msg which he sent to the wrong person.
'just got baileys as my duty free allowance with our monday date in mind. :)'

well, now i've got to be really stupid to actually try to believe his explaination isn't it?
'yes. sorry sent to wrong person. my best friend and his gf will be in town monday and tuesday.'

weeeell, i don't exactly think i'll sent that to my best friend OR his gf, and when the person who sent it is a guy? like, guys, would you send your best friend(guy) '...with our monday date in mind. :)' if it's for the girl, doesn't it sound a little too... too... much?

Kaoz.. i think i've lied too much in my life, that i cannot tolerate unskillful lying. i mean it's like, you don't even put heart into LYING to me!! i feel insulted...

'will not be able to see you tonight though..........have to run errands, sleep, and host this birthday party for this friend of someone i used to date.'
oh pa-leeees. who on earth would agree to host a birthday party 'for this FRIEND of SOMEONE I USED TO DATE'? and further more, the party starts at 730?! as anyone who has hosted a birthday party before should know, is it even possible to start a party that late, with the organizer not even there yet? NO!

I returned him his keys, and finally had the chance to see how isa looked like. not as pretty as i thought, i thought. but a very fake accent somehow. perhaps that's the kind of girl who is hip and going, and the kind that will suit him more i suppose. I wonder what happened yesterday night at his place after all the sms and stuff.. well, i'll just wait for isa's update!

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