
Little holiday between the exams.

haha.. okie i did it again. i went clubbing last night.. couldn't resist it. haven't had the chance to dance and drink for quite some time. ;P
come to think of it i drank quite a lot last night. 1st was Sake during dinner in a jap restaurant at MS, but that was sample drinking, had the chance to have a taste of Kouro(kindda sweeter and more aromatic in taste), and 2 other kinds which i can only remember one starts with a H and the other T.... ;P guess it was a waste of money to bring me for wine tasting. haha.. but i do remember the H one tasted much lighter then the others(nonetheless still very aromatic), and the T one is like more common, normal Sake somehow. And then after that we had a sample of Awamori on the rocks, and then we ordered an Awamori cocktail. afterwhich we ordered a glass of I-can't-remember-what-it-was but it was kindda like whisky other then that it's clear in colour, tasted rather interesting though.. like nothing i've drank b4.

If anyone is wondering what Awamori is, it's a kind of liqueur domestically made from Osaka?(I'm really no good at names) *edited: It's Okinawa, i just remembered.. all the O___ making me confused. anyway, the restaurant has kindda an Okinawa style jap cuisine theme anyway. I think the boss is from Okinawa*
and it's a little like vodka and sake mix? it's kindda interesting. quite nice i think.

And all that was even b4 we went to the club!

After dinner we went to dbl o, and due to that it was ladies night and that it was deepavali eve, the place was open until 4 and had one-for-one drinks~ cool. I had 2 glasses of Irish White Guy, and a big glass of Vodka Coke. I wonder if Irish White Guy is considered Baileys or not.. but I like that kindda drink. has that malty creamy taste. Slurp~

But it's kindda weird, coz after like all that drinking(and dancing), I didn't feel drunk at all!! how is that? I wonder if it's because the alcohol content in low, or did my ability to take liquor rise? hm.. well, anyway, don't really think i'd want to get drunk anyway.

But if you thnk that's the 'holiday' i was talking about. you are so wrong. haha.. i still can't believe it, but my dad actually organized a trip to genting highland for the long weekend. and you know what? i'm coming back on mon. and paper on tue. haha.. i must have been mad to actually agree to go. But ofcoz, my parents don't get long weekends and holidays very often, so i guess i should go anyway. Perhaps i'll just bring some studying there as well..(well, but there's always a difference between bringing the study and studying itself unfortunately)

Oh ya! and at the jap restaurant! we had dessert after the meal. and i ordered the sesame pudding, THAT WAS LIKE SOOOO GREAT i think.. haha.. coz i really like all the sesame desserts really, from paste to ice-cream, it's the 1st time i heard of sesame pudding though. and it was great. I love pudding, and i like sesame desserts, so that was like a perfect combination, and the presentation and everything was great too! So, it's a definite must try if you ever go to the restaurant. It's beside cafe cartel in MS, Oen, I think.. the food there is pretty good as well, so i think it's worth going. a little bit expensive though. ;P but i like jap food. hehe..

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