
a quick one.. I'm knackered

Hey guys. I'm so f-ing tired actually. just came back from portsmouth and had a nice dinner.
my feet were frozen most of the time today since the minute i stepped out of the house... and all the walking, from train stations to stadiums to anywhere really, and standing up for the football game did not help at all! just to make things alittle more dramatic though was that the insides of the shoe seem to grow harder by the seconds and i think i've got 2 nice blisters on each of my foot now.

well, but i guess the hard work did kindda pay off since arsenal did win the game,fortuntely, in the last 10 minutes i think... and we ended the game with 1-0 to arsenal. pretty happy with that, and the atmosphere there was amazing as well! all the people screaming and shouting and swearing.. haha.. rather amusing really...

I think i'm far too tired to continue though... so i'm going off now... see ya~

think i'll stay home tmr.

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