
Rolling back to Singapore like a Ball


SO I am back from my not-so-little trip to Europe.

That was almost 3 days ago now. And to say the truth... I do miss England. I like it there, even the most unwelcomed feature, the weather, was kindda like what I like the most.

As some of you may know now. I lived in an English friend's house during my stay. And had the chance to have lots of home cooked food, which i think is a blessing. I was told by far more than one person that English food or rather food in London is like Cr*p. Even the 'How to be a Brit' (kindda like the singapore's ' how to be a singaporean' book) book featured that as one of the most renound features of England, together with their weather, love for pets, and almost absurd politness.

The whole holiday lasted for 17 days. And we spent the 1st week doing sight seeing mostly around London before going to Hythe and then France, and then London again.. Leister square, St. Pauls, China Town, National gallary, Natural History Museum, Chinese food, Cambridge, and watched some 3 Arsenal matches in Portsmouth, Charlton and Highbury, not forgetting Montreuil and Calai in France and St. Mary's Bay on the way back. Every one of these places took a part of me with them, and gave me a piece of beautiful memory to keep.

In this holiday.. I drank more wine then I had for the past 19years of my life(man i'm getting old). Met more new people then I have done for the past 3 years. And had more meat then I thought I'd ever have.. Their family is really a no carb, minimal veg family.

But nonetheless, I enjoyed myself greatly.
I will put up some pictures and together with them more detailed stories of my trip!

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