
Pain... Pain...

My feet feels as if it's falling apart.... it's at times like these I'd wished I were slimmer... haiz... The promoter job is really not as easy as it seems.. coz have to stand for the whole freaking time which is equivalent to 9 hrs... Man.... I think i'll wear my mom's sandels next time.. more comfy.

For those who are interested~ I went for the photoshoot on sat~~!! hehee.. took like a tonne of photos... they say they'll burn all my pics into a cd for me to keep. :P I'll put some up if they are nice.. :P Had make up so thick, it's as though I'm going on a stage for acting. but under the flash and all.. actually it looked almost like it wasn't there.. so actually, modeling IS kindda like acting.. i kindda feel that being in Drama kindda conditioned me for these kindda things.. coz even when the make up artist had the light shining directly at my face, I didn't really feel uncomfortable. The lights felt far less intense then the blinding stage lights..

So, now it's up to luck.. if there are clients that choose me.. great! if not... then nothing I can do also... So, wish me luck!!

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