
So many things!!!

Ever since I started work, every day has been a totally new and absolutely exciting experience... not including the times where I'm just boringly stand by the beer counter with no one passing by at all though.

Otherwise, people simply makes me happy. It's fun to look and get to interact with them generally. Some are real pricks and one managed to make me cry today.. It's hard being nice sometimes.. I'll tell you more later.

Anyway, everyday has been so happening. I got praised on my sales by the General Sales Manager of APB while I was at bedok NTUC. And in his exact words.

"You are the best I've seen so far"

Ofcoz that may mean everyone else is just below average, but I'd like to think I really did well.

And I managed to catch a thief(not a particularly clever one). He tried to steal 2 cartons of Guinness from my counter and took off after exiting from the exit from right beside my counter... 1stly, to exit from right under my nose and expect me to not see?! I wasn't praised for being alert for nothing okie! 2ndly, 2 CARTONS OF GUINESS?!!! That is 48 cans of stout,for the benefit of those who don't know what's a carton, being carried by one person who is trying to escape unnoticed.... how smart is that? How the Hell did he think he would be able to run carrying 2 cartons of beer? duno what was going through his mind. anyway, he is probably thinking of the same thing now with the police by his side? haha.. handed him over to the police. Some police came over and took my statement as well!! how exciting was that! hehe.. now the ppl at Clementi NTUC calls me hero. :P

And i also got to know several ppl who were very nice. Kelvin from Jurong NTUC was soooo nice! he even came down to clementi to have dinner with me coz it was too boring at jurong being the only APB promoter there! :>
I also got to know a 'fortune teller' who sold carlsberg. He said that my luck for 2005 is good. I'd certainly hope so! need money.. need money...

And as for today, got one stinky no good auntie came and look at Tiger. So I promoted the beer to her lah! then she complain say yesterday she came to buy and bought 2 10s but there wasn't anyone there to tell her about the free gifts and so she didn't get any. You see, the rule is that, if there isn't a promoter at the point of buying, no free gifts will be promised. Well, being me(I don't really care about the rule, not like it's my own business) so long that you can produce prove of purchase I'd gladly give you the gifts as well! So I asked her if she's got the receipt, if she does I can still give her the gift. And when I gave her the egg, she didn't look happy coz she liked the cards more. So I let her choose if she wants 2 packs of cards or a golden egg. Her son liked the egg more. So I made an offer, I offered to give her a pack of cards for free if she buys a pack of 6s(normally cards are only given if a 10s/2x6s is bought) and she agreed. then after that, when she went to pay, she made a big fuss with the cashier and made it look as if I did not give her anything at all!!! And then the cashier came over to ask me to give her another golden egg!!! How the hell am I suppose to give her a golden egg with a bloody six pack?!!?!?! and she was the one who wanted the cards to start with!!! bloody f**k*r. When I told them *nicely* that it is not possible, she asked me to give her a deck of cards. But that was exactly what we agreed on!!!! whatever, she paid and came to me to get the cards/ Scenario: my other customer just recieved his free gifts from me.. And you know what that bitch did?!

'This miss very 'niao'(aka stingy) one. Don't buy from her. The other boy promoter is better. She very 'niao'. '

What the f-ing f-er does she think she is! and to think I was actually trying to be nice and gave her an offer so that she can get what she wanted without having to pay as much as any other person. It's like I've been known for being nice, and tries to give my customers what they want most of the time with as low a price to pay as possible. And this bitch comes along and not only tell me but also tell my other customer that I AM 'NIAO'?! who the f is 'niao' now??!! huh?!?! the one who is accusing me for being niao because she didn't get a golden egg by buying only 6 cans of beer or the one who offered to give the free gift since the customer seemed to like it so much?!


anyway, good thing there are nice ppl/stuff in the NTUC. cheered me up... was quite a scene when I teared.. not my fault... I was feeling very much maligned. Still am actually.. anyway.. should stop thinking about bitches. angrifying.

Well, the last event was the most recent(today) so I had the a fresh memory of it. thus was pretty detailed.. :P would have written on something more merry if i could, but still feeling mentally unbalanced now.. better go sleep.. good night~

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