

B came back from M'sia yesterday! And we met up for dinner at IKEA. He didn't really want to go initially, but I managed to persuade him. He didn't really think much of that place, in fact, i think it would be the last place he'd want to go for dinner. But the thing is, he had nv been to IKEA for food! He kindda simply assumed that the food won't be nice since it's a furniture place. So, we went in, had Swedish Meatballs for dinner and he liked it just as much as I do! Yum, always liked those.. :P So, i guess i kindda changed his mind sbout the food there.. but the soup was weird.. hahaa.. the asperagus soup was kindda lime green in colour... it looks as if they accidently poured some chemical acid in it.. hahaa... I thought it tasted alright though.. B thinks it tastes weird. oh well, anyway, the colour is really a put off.. don't think i'll order that ever again.

We went around for a little walk, also to see if there's anything he need in his place. he totally screwed up his carpet(which, unfortunately, belongs to his landlord) so he had to find a replacement for it before she finds out.. Apparently he accidently poured orange juice on it, yes you are right, that is no big deal, normally all one has to do is wash it with some soap and water and all will be fine.. but.. nooo.... he had to use BLEACH. so now, the carpet has got this really big ugly patch of bleached spot. and he didn't even bother to ask if the laundry ppl have any way to help. anyway, the carpet was 199 bucks. I told him that he can get a cheaper one for replacement(i doubt the landlord cares actually, coz she don't live there anyway) but he should really ask if the laundry ppl can do anything about it 1st.

and so we went out and tried to get a cab. thank god i remembered that his bags were still in the lockers. else.. that IS it. I swear he is going to get so pissed and messed up... I'd wish I'm not there.. but then, I remembered, so he is appreciative and i'm happy. good ending.

He is still sick though.. quite sadly. coughing and all... hmm..I wonder why. he's been ill for almost 2 weeks now, or mebbe more then that. He tends to not feel hungry when he is ill, which is not good.. he looks like he's lost weight... oh god.. pls don't let him lose any more weight.. Man I really don't like skinny guys.

On an ego boosting note. Lots of guys seem to hitting on me lately. A secondary school friend smsed me today, and kindda expressed his interest. we started off with some friendly chatting and the normal stuff, then...

'Okie.. So you prom night, can i come? Haha'

'Haha. Want to take the chance to know girls ar? Hahaa...'

'No la.. Be your guy for the night'

hmm.. okie lah, i've had a small crush on this guy before, mebbe he did too, but then.. we kindda ended everything before anything could start. and we haven't been contacting each other for a long time! and i mean looooong time, so it came kindda like a surprise. I was flattered though. hehee.. ;P B also wanted to go to my prom. Slavey stole my prom tix for a moment, but he was just being an idiot. ;P haha.. (i'm so gonna get killed) Mad Ozzie has been asking me out quite alot lately as well! hehee... And then Jimmy kindda resumed contact with me, apparently he got himself a job near my place.hmm..

Okie, enough of all that, I'll be going for a dnd tonight and tmr night~ tmr's is the football team, hibs. and tonight's just an invitation by a friend, sounds fun, and it is said to be held at this chic place, and it has a theme as well, tropical. The problem is.. though i live in the tropics, I don't particularly think i've got any outfit that is distinctly tropical? hmm... the irony. oh well, i better go prepare now~ ciao~

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