
Love in the air~

Love is in the air~

Can't stop smiling when I think of Sat. Marche... ginger bread... HMV... sticker photo... telling me something he nv did before? or just being innocently sweet? Which ever, it made me very very happy, for 2 days now... ;P

On other news, I passed Piggy her Birthday present finally, and had myself de-fured in her house yesterday. hahaa.. it was quite a fun day of waxing and all.. haha.. FIRST TIME I WAXED MYSELF!! now got minimal hair on my arms and legs.. ;P quite shiok actually... not as painful as I expected it to be.. haha.. Masochistic me~

then went to do my hair for today and also my nails... quite very unfortunately, the salon hair dresser kindda cheated me coz she said that the hair will stay for as long as I don't wash my hair/touch water, but it is already softening and coming down!!! grr... 38 bucks.. feel cheated.. hopefully it will last.. actually it's kindda nice now, soft spirals, but I think by the time prom starts it would have gone down to a slight wave already.

me finger nails are pretty nice, unfortunately, the colours on my toes kindda got destroyed by Xmen. Quite fortunately for him though is that, 1)I don't really mind, 2)My fingers may not be done yet, 3)He paid for them to be done anyway. so, I didn't wack the crap out of him.
hahaa.. it was quite funny I thought, when the manicurist asked if I can punch my pin for payment. I asked Xmen to help me punch it naturally. And she said, 'aiya, you should pay for her mah. See, she do her hair with her own money right? Then you help her pay half half lah!' And he kindda gladly accepted! hahaa.. a new way to cheat money out of guys hm.. do manicure and don't bring any cash.. hahaaa!!!! kidding, don't preplan this kindda things normally. Unless I'm like really REALLY broke. in which case I won't be doing manicure, probably ask for a dinner date or something.

Talking about food.. I had the oily-est sweet corn I've ever had in my life yesterday! hahaa.. I told the girl to put extra oil and salt, and she really put EXTRA oil.half the cup of sweet corn was soaked in oil!! haha.. I'm not complaining though, i liked it! very nice.. hahaa.. no good for my throat though.. ;P

Watched Bridget Jones Diary yesterday. quite funny, but i thought it wasn't as nice as the previous one. it's a very lovey dovey one, I wanted more of Hugh Grant though, he is the charming and funny one. hahaa.. ;P

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