
Uh oh...

What's wrong with tag board?
hahaa... as per usual, I don't really know what to do actually... coz the tag board was set up by someone else... :P thus, I'm sure you would have noticed that the setup of the page has never changed since I got it.. coz I don't know how to change it. hahaa...

Anyway, so if anyone is kind enough to help me solve my problem.. thanks~!

Been... BBBBBBBBZZZZZZZZ lately.. project, presentation, report... everything coming on at the same time!!! and all have to be handed up within this week.. where got time?! kaoz.. tonight still have to go to school for rehearsal and finalising of presentation.. you see waht I mean now by NO TIME? finalising a presentation only 1 day before it.. less than 24hrs in fact. The school is crazy.

Some updates on life, outside of school.. I went for IMF as a helper, as some would know, (though I don't think they read this blog), and it was fun. I got to make a lot of new friends, and also got to be an announcer! (incidentally, I've always been fasinated by the job, always wondered if it was recorded or live, how did they manage to speak so well.. blah blah..) not a career for life, but hey, I liked it.

Some other things that I did... I went for a super dinner, infact 2 super dinners actually.. one was my treat, wanted to treat my family since I've got my pay, which I thought was good enough to make me feel like pampering my family a little to some seafood.. but then.. as per usual, they pang seh-ed me.. so it was left with my and CL.. but any how, we were already at the owen seafood at turf city, so ordered like egg yoke crab(super nice), cheese baked lobster(oh, you really must try this), prawns in herb and wine soup(I finished the 2 persons' share), and buddha jumping over the wall(you know.. you know..). hahaa :P understand why it's SUPER now? ended up like super full as well... like.. cannot walk properly that kind of full? hahaa.. and then the next supper dinner was a treat from CK, super posh jap restaurant in crown hotel.. apparently it was visited by President Nathan, ex-president Ong, and also the ex-ex President.. hahaa.. other famous people also includes PM Lee and some others I didn't have time to look at the photos.. well, we actually had a room prepared for us, and the food was very fresh and very nice. :) some very special too~! every dish was presented to us like an art piece.. the sashimi was like.. the plate had maple leaves and little purple flowers on it.. even the simple fruit dessert (persimmon<= special right?) was put in a nice little glass bowl with ice and granish in it. Even though, it was just half a peeled pessimon in the bowl, it made it look so much more pleasing and appetising. incidentally.. I really like persimmons as well.. haha.. :P

what a yummy Oct. :) Looking forward to my other lunch and/or dinner treats.. haha :P ciao~



Been so long since I blogged..
feel as though I have disappeared from the surface of the Earth? :> don't worry, I'm still well and alive.. don't be too disappointed okie?

alot of things happened I guess.. between that time when I blogged and now..
some things haven't change.. I still feel for that certain someone.. doesn't help that he smsed me to wish me happy birthday and said that he missed me just like.. yesterday.. hahaa :P was kindda happy though.. perhaps I'm just happy that I was not forgotten.. that he hadn't forgotten about me, just like I don't think I ever will forget about him.

Well.. he is planning on going back to US to do his MBA.. which may actually mean that he'll not be coming back any more.. I'm not sure if we'll ever meet or not any more then.. much less if he'll remember the times we spent together.. haiz.. why every time I think of him I get like depressed.. but when I hear of that he is doing well.. and stuff like that I get very happy.. hahaa.. like dumb dumb like that.. any way.. he and F are doing pretty well I think.. I think he is finally really considering settling down.. :)

as for me.. I am counting down 2 days to my birthday! hahaa.. nothing much.. though it's the 21st. but I still feel like a kid some how and ppl also say I look like 16. ops. hahaa.. had an incredible dinner today.. L celebrated an early birthday with me.. so nice.. though I still didn't think he should have spent so much money on my birthday. oh well.. didn't really scold him, since he was just trying to be sweet. I'll put up some pictures of the very nice food I had some other time... soooooo tired!!!!! good night~


Bad health

I don't know why. But my health seems to be getting from bad to worst.. use to be pretty strong and healthy when I was younger.. but now.. keep getting what flu lah.. fever lah... cough lah.. then here inflamation, there inflamation.. damn.

What is wrong man. haizz... *and then I shall proceed to the gross details of my symtoms so as to gross people out(Note: if you are weak at heart, or stomach, please skip this paragraph)* The past 2 days and last night I have been blowing out thick greenish phlem with bits of blood in it.. it's damn disgusting.. the texture was almost rubbery. How'd I know? As usual, I like to examine stuff that was blown out of my nose or spit out from the mouth. :P and then.. this morning it turned into like a yellow liquid thing. Don't be mistaken to think that it's just like slightly yellowish. It was almost bright yellow in colour really.. like YELLOW it looks like something that should only be blown out from an alien's nose. think it's another form of inflamation or mucus that has been planted into my nose by alien life form while I was sleeping!!! which explains why I only get those gross stuff after I wake up!!!( okie okie...)

*okie, end of gross part, you can read on now*

So I've been drowning myself with Panadol Extra(for extra relieve from stronger pain, like bad headache, backache, toothache, chicken ache and duck ache) and assorted liang tehs(herbal drinks) which ranges from Jia Jia(my favourite) to Xia san ju wang(which I have no idea how to translate..). But nothing seem to be helping much...

Panadol Extra(for extra relieve from stronger pain, like bad headache, backache, toothache, chicken ache and duck ache) was pretty good though.. in relieving that pain off the roof of my mouth.. which I still don't really know how to catagorise when I'm telling people about it.. it's not really a sore throat, coz it's quite far off the throat, it's not a toothache as it doesn't have teeth involved, if I call it mouth ache, I think that'd be too much for anyone to imagine.. the roof-of-the-mouth-ache, is quite a mouthful though.. and it's painful to say it when I have the roof-of-the-mouth-ache coz it kindda stretches the muscles around the roof of the mouth area.. hm.. oh well. Since I'm typing, so I guess it doesn't matter..

And so, I was talking about how the Panadol Extra(for extra relieve from stronger pain, like bad headache, backache, toothache, chicken ache and duck ache) was good for my roof-of-the-mouth-ache. It really is good for aches! And it's Gentle on the stomach too~! GO GO~ Panadol Extra~!.. (for extra relieve from stronger pain, like bad headache, backache, joint pain, toothache, chicken ache and duck ache)


Had a funny dream last night.. I dreamt that I went over to Ben's place.. and he called me the wrong name.. which caused me to totally give up on him and think that he is definitely not someone I'd want to be with.. I wonder if that is an accurate reflection of what I really think.. ( that part of me about him that I have totally lost touch with). when it comes to him.. I guess I'm just still very confused.. still feels like a blur.. haiz.. just let it be I guess..


Boyish Faces

Sometimes.. I get a little confused myself.. I like boyish faces and matured faces at the same time.. hmm.. weird.

oh well, G was pestering me.. a little.. for the URL of this site. hahaa. :P bleah. Don't show you~! hahaaa.. not like you'll get to read this anyway..

well, I think actually, on the net it really depends on how much you want to find out about a person, or something. it's really not that hard, I've managed to dig up some things that I was not supposed to know by browsing through the net and searching for certain key words. :) I can be quite good at this i suppose.. :P especially with all the search engines, one should really lift one eye and ask, 'are you sure you tried searching?' when one complains that he/she couldn't find info they need.

anyway, I'm watching WC! yay!! i thought I won't be able to watch it coz I don't have the WC channel! and then, they actually show one of the matches on super sports.. :> damn happy.

Iran vs angola. hahaa I was still thinking that I'll have to go to my friend's place to watch.

G's living room tv gets it. but i guess I wouldn't want to be cheering or getting to excited at 3 or 4 in the morning.. especially not in someone elses house.

Some little bits and pieces of things I'm thinking of now.. I've got lotsa friends who are mad about ball now.. not coz they like the sport in particular, but coz they are betting their lives on it. hahaa. okie, a little exagerated, but anyway, a fair amount have been invested on the WC I'd say. and the results have not been particularly pleasing.

thank goodness I don't do all that.. have never been good with betting luck I guess.. CL on the other hand had not lost much of his bets before, just games like Big 2 and stuff among friends though. one of the things I like about his thinking, "betting with friends are just to spend time, and have fun. Not to win money." that's why often he'll give some money back to the person who is losing very badly. *admiration* althought more often I'd screw him around and ask him to give me the money instead if he really feels that he has got too much of it. :P but of coz I was just kidding.

come to think of it.. actually there is a certain trend in guys that I like.. they either have a boyish face.. or they have high foreheads.. hm... :P strange observation there..



Hehee.. qool.. Guess what! I just did a short filming for national day! :P probably will only flash by on the screen, but.. It was DAMN COOL~~ I was to be a vet with a doggie, so I was checking the doggie with a stethoscope and stuff.. hehee.. always wanted to get my hands on a huge dog.. AND, play with a stethoscope.. hahaa..:P not forgeting getting on national TV. hehee.. that's 2 wishes fulfilled. coz I want to get famous, not just get on tv! whahahaaa~~ going nuts.

Anyway, I wonder when will the ad start to show, I'd bet on early or mid July.

Aside from that piece of news, I'm now doing tuition for kids, Maths, Chinese and physics mainly, together with primary english. If you guys have any contacts please intro me k! ^_^

Need to earn more $$...
I want to go on my trips!

Money is rolling in~~


When did I start this blog? Back when i was in J1 I think.. haha.. due to a certain gorilla :P

I set the counter only like a year or 2 later... the 1st post I made on this, was also the last for a year or so. the funny thing is.. Now when I look at the counter, it's about 2000+ visits to this site that has occured for the 2 years(?) period. And seriously makes me wonder.. perhaps it's mainly just me and Joshy that comes to this page.. hahaa~~ coz. 365*2=730*2=1460 and sometimes i visit my own page more than once a day.. whahawhahaaa :P Zi lian.

i'm still not very good at posting up photos.. :< but I am thinking of making this blog a little more lifely from now on~!! So I'm going to post up some photos now. whahwaha~~


The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to obedience and warmth.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.

You Are 46% Evil

You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

You Are 76% Happy

You are a very happy person. Generally, you feel content and that all is right with the world.
Occasionally, you have a down day - but you have the ability to pick yourself right back up.

You Are 23 Years Old

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

Your Five Variable Love Profile

Propensity for Monogamy:

Your propensity for monogamy is medium.
In general, you prefer to have only one love interest.
But it's hard for you to stay devoted for too long!
There's too much eye candy to keep you from wandering.

Experience Level:

Your experience level is high.
You've loved, lost, and loved again.
You have had a wide range of love experiences.
And when the real thing comes along, you know it!


Your dominance is medium.
You tend to be the one with more power.
You aren't a total control freak in relationships..
But of course you don't mind getting you way!


Your cynicism is low.
You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance.
No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter.
You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate.
And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon.


Your independence is medium.
In relationships, you need both "me time" and "we time."
You usually find it easy to be part of a couple.
But occasionally you start to feel a little smothered.


New experience~!

Who would have guessed? I tried out for the 1st time in my life being a beer promoter in a pub! And not just a normal pub.. It's a sleazy one down at Joo Chiat Road.. hahaa.. :P Okie. perhaps I'm sounding a little too happy for this. But, it was really fun!

I liked the new experience, the different kinds of people I met in the pub, and also other girls who have been in the line for some time. Pretty amazed.

It's funny, but even though alot of the guys in the pub found me attractive and wanted to know me. I could feel a significant difference in attitude between them and me and them and the "Gold Diggers" there. Perhaps it's the way I hold myself, or perhaps, it's just the way I am. They treated me with respect which I found very nice considering they are guys that went to the pub so as to hug and snuggle with unknown vietnamese girls, or perhaps any girl that comes around.

Things were cool. There were some guys that were playful teasing me and making things difficult a little, but it was all healthy fun. And there was also this one guy that was particularly helpful to me. Teaching me the ropes of the trade when he figured that it was the 1st time I was there.

One thing I still couldn't figure out though, was how was it that I still looked studious after changing into the Uniform? hmm.. I simply couldn't believe it. When I met up with my partner, I could understand, coz I was wearing kindda a smart casual, so she couldn't believe that I was to be a beer promoter. But even after I changed into the uniform in the pub, there were still alot of the pub goers that asked me if I was still studying and/or commented that I didn't look like someone who would be hanging out in a place like that. I've got a face too cute for sleazy pubs? hahaa.. Or perhaps too nerdy.. :P But hey, I'm neither.. maybe it was just the way I was. *shrugs*

Anyway, things ended unexpectedly well. I was a little worried at 1st, wondering how it'd be like. If I would be able to handle it. Will I meet bad guys. Blah blah blah.. Ya, I know, I count myself pretty lucky this time round that nothing negative happened to me. I know I won't be doing this kindda job again unless I'm really really in need for money. It's afterall just for the experience, and for me to look at life in a different light. A different angle, and in the shoes of another group of people whom I'd otherwise never have the chance to see.

See, this is the fun of life. The fun of being alive.



I'm ill.. AGAIN!!! bloody hell.. how many times am I supposed to fall ill in a year?? I seem to be having alot of problems with my health this year.. One moment I'm ill, the other I am hurt.. guess.. I also went through my richest and my poorest in the past 3.5 months.

It's funny.. I should have been alot richer now that I think of it.. having the pay that I had.. Even my CPF account is doing better than my Bank Account even if at it's peak! I wonder where all that money went.. hmm...

Well, I guess it is true. People say, when one earns double, they usually spend double as well.. some even triple.. Perhaps I'm one of those fools. Well, having the ability to enjoy the luxuries of life is something that will always remain tempting. And like James said. One can never make enough money.

Now that I give more thought into, it is true isn't it? Look at the incomes and expenditures of different classes of people! The poor, earns little, and spends little. The Rich earn alot more, but ALSO spends alot more! In the end, their relative riches are the same. They are all equally in debt. For a house, a car, home appliances, food.. everything! aren't all humans the same in needs for survival?

Well, having said so.. Survival is the same.. but life is more than just survival isn't it? People will always hope for a better life, a more luxurious house, a nicer car, more delicate food, beautiful clothes.. It's what makes most people feel alive. Not that I'm promoting materialism as a good thing, but sometimes, these are the ways that are the easiest to the feeling of achievement. The feeling of power and ability.

Although it is said that there's a lot more to life than money and power, I think money and power is just as important as anything else. But all in all, the most important thing is to be happy. Things that you want or find happiness in doing or possessing, whether requiring money or not, the way to be happy is to fulfil it. Goals in life need not be a great career, need not be as noble as world peace, but just things that individuals look for and want. A need can be easily satisfied. They don't make people happy most of the time, it's just survival.

It's when people get what they WANT, then that is what creates the most satisfaction.


In school.. exam period

Will do some more studying later.. Currently still picking up my lazy bones with little tweezers. :P

Today's paper was alright. It's funny how I kindda like exams sometimes.. Though most of the time they don't seem to take the same kind of liking towards me. 4 questions, each with part a) and b). 2 hrs. I nearly got a cramp in my forearm while straggeling to look for answers in the notes. I wasn't cheatin lah.. It was an open book exam. :P the questions were like 10 or 20 marks for each section!!! and truthfully speaking, there isn't that much to write.. we were all contemplating on lighting the car when the examiners drove past us after the paper. I wonder how I'll fair. Probably not bad, probably not great either.

I guess I've always been the "middle class" student. Some people (people who have not been in the same class as me) always like to think I am the smart kind that will the top scorers or something in school.. But. Oh well.. I don't fair badly so long as I put enough heart into it. But I'd mostly end up second best. 2nd for translation competition, 2nd for singing competition, all Bs for my Primaty PSLE AND my JC 'A' levels. Secondary school's 'O' levels was quite encouraging.. 5 As.. but then again, it didn't really land me anywhere there great anyway due to the way points were computed. I wonder if this will carry on in life..

Studying for OB, sometimes makes me wonder if it's internal or external attributions that brought me this far. And I'm almost afraid to say that it was almost always external. A stroke of luck maybe. *shrugs* how far luck has brought me, how much further will it bring me. I've always thanked the-guy-up-there for all the things he, or perhaps she, has done for me. I guess I do believe in fate.

I was playing Minesweeper on Windows the other night.. I couldn't sleep, and like always, I derived something useful out of the, eye tearing, mind breaking, luck directed game, which was otherwise quite simple and useless. It's just like life. Everyday, like every game, is different. Trying the same moves may not be dumb. But what WILL be dumb is if you don't spot the opportunities when they finally pop up. If you don't put your mind and heart into it when you finally have the chance.. chances are, you will just lose the game and it's not everyday that you find such chances again.

I didn't win any of the games that day. I blame it on my lack of sleep and mental frustration. But everyday is the same. chances come and chances go.. whether you are prepared for it or not.

So, perk up! there'll definitely be atleast one game that is good for you. And when it is, thank Mr. guy-up-there and buck up to do the things you gotta do! :)


Miss SG.

Disappointing. Not to talk about the top 18. The top 10. Where's the Glam? Where were their brains?? Seriously, I think only 3 of them answered with poise. Otherwise, the Singlish was disgusting. I was about to think it was a joke. Good thing the final 5 performed a little more up to standard. Come on! You guys were competing for MISS SINGAPORE UNIVERSE!!! You guys, or rather one of you, is suppose to compete in MISS UNIVERSE in Las Vegas?! What the hell.. I picture disgrace for the country and its women.

I'm not saying I am better. But it really makes me wonder if they had put any thought into it at all before they decided to join the pageant. Bimbos are probably the last things Singapore need.


wang mei ling - wang le wo shi shui

One of the chinese songs that I like... unfortunately blogger don't allow mandarin, so I'll have to type them out in han yu pin ying. below is the translation of the song. very simple and repetative. a common trend in oldies.unfortunately as well, I don't know how to put in the music.. :P enjoy :>

bu kan ni de yan bu kan ni de mei
kan le xin li dou shi ni wang le wo shi shui
bu kan ni de yan bu kan ni de mei
kan de shi hou xin li tiao
kan guo yi hou yan lei zui

bu kan ni de yan
bu kan ni de mei
bu kan ni ye ai shang ni
wang le wo shi shui
wang liao wo shi shui

bu kan ni de yan bu kan ni de mei
kan le xin li dou shi ni wang le wo shi shui
bu kan ni de yan bu kan ni de mei
kan de shi hou xin li tiao
kan guo yi hou yan lei zui

Wang Mei Ling - Forgot who I am

Not to look into your eyes, not to look at your beauty
Coz after looking at you my heart is all filled with you
I forget who I am
Not to look in your eyes, not to look at your beauty
my heart flutters when I'm looking at you
but my tears drop after

Not to look into your eyes
Not to look at your beauty
I fall in love with you even though i didn't look
I forgot who I am
I forgot who I am

Not to look into your eyes, not to look at your beauty
Coz after looking at you my heart is all filled with you
I forget who I am
Not to look in your eyes, not to look at your beauty
my heart flutters when I'm looking at you
but my tears drop after


funny dream

Dreamt that I went back to school... funny. In the dream, I finished University and I was posted to this paikia secondary to further my studies..haha.. Then it's quite funny.. any way.. the teachers there are not the least bit kind. Well, the students aren't exactly the best so.. understandable.. All the new students have a little name stand thing on their table that says.. 'new doodle' which I thought was a cute idea.. :P One of the teachers came over to my table and said,'new doodle huh. what's your name?'
'oh, what an ugly name'
'well, so long as my parents and I like it will do'
'wha, so thick skinned huh?'
Talking about supportive and motivating teachers...
Anyway, we were all in a big hall, so everyone is playing and there was a train forming up running around and looked fun.. :P so I told him that I'm going to play now. and ran to grab on to a hand and started running.. :P hahaa.. fun.

me and my weird dreams..


Ever wondered?

How do you know when you've met The One? You'll realise that when no matter how long your 'reasons why I shouldn't' list gets, you still keep coming back for more.

I don't know how many stories my list goes.. I just hope I can control my aching heart when ever I see or hear about him.

How I wished I never loved him.
How I wished I've nv been such a fool.
Believeing in love?
Perhaps believeing too much in love.

we weren't meant to be I guess.. It takes 2 hands to clap.. and now my arms are dead tired.. But still I can't fight wanting to see him every now and then.. when things go wrong.. when I want someone to help me.. to support me.. I wanted him to be the one.. The one whom I can just lay beside and talk about everything. Where I can talk nonsense and he'll play along with me.. Where I can ask him serious questions and he can give me serious answers... Where he can do all the things that I can't. and ask me to help him in things he weren't good at...

Don't know how to continue anymore.. feeling very down suddenly.. again.. bye..


Late night Post..

it's 1.15am. Probably not that late for many of my peers. But to me.. it is late.. I shooed CL to sleep at around 12. Said that I didn't want him to sleep too little... But probably it's because of something else.. I wonder if the relationship will last. I'm not even sure if I'm really committed into it yet. But one thing I know is that i really enjoy his company. His everything makes me smile.. even when I get angry with him it's mostly just me acting like I'm angry.. Or perhaps.. just fishing around for more attention..

I'm back on french class again! But this time it's with NTU. :P Je suis une etudiante francais! Encore! hahaa j'aime le francais. c'est sexy. :P hahaa.. ask a french to read this.. and he'll probably faint. ops.

anyway, my Financial Management test is on MON!!!!! I'm going to die.. better get back to studies!~

Early Happy valentines day to all~!!! Muack~! Laba ya'll~~


I duno why I'm writing this blog also.. hahaa

Think all my readers run away liao.. hahaa.. I update my blog like.. I duno... once every 3 months? hahaa :P ops. well, been posting more stuff on friendster.. Guess, people who know both blogs (and actually bother to read both) would have noticed the difference in content between the 2. I guess the 2 blogs serve different purposes.

Anyway, I think I'm having a headache now.. Better go rest.. Ciao~



Some times I guess things just happen without you knowing it.