

I'm ill.. AGAIN!!! bloody hell.. how many times am I supposed to fall ill in a year?? I seem to be having alot of problems with my health this year.. One moment I'm ill, the other I am hurt.. guess.. I also went through my richest and my poorest in the past 3.5 months.

It's funny.. I should have been alot richer now that I think of it.. having the pay that I had.. Even my CPF account is doing better than my Bank Account even if at it's peak! I wonder where all that money went.. hmm...

Well, I guess it is true. People say, when one earns double, they usually spend double as well.. some even triple.. Perhaps I'm one of those fools. Well, having the ability to enjoy the luxuries of life is something that will always remain tempting. And like James said. One can never make enough money.

Now that I give more thought into, it is true isn't it? Look at the incomes and expenditures of different classes of people! The poor, earns little, and spends little. The Rich earn alot more, but ALSO spends alot more! In the end, their relative riches are the same. They are all equally in debt. For a house, a car, home appliances, food.. everything! aren't all humans the same in needs for survival?

Well, having said so.. Survival is the same.. but life is more than just survival isn't it? People will always hope for a better life, a more luxurious house, a nicer car, more delicate food, beautiful clothes.. It's what makes most people feel alive. Not that I'm promoting materialism as a good thing, but sometimes, these are the ways that are the easiest to the feeling of achievement. The feeling of power and ability.

Although it is said that there's a lot more to life than money and power, I think money and power is just as important as anything else. But all in all, the most important thing is to be happy. Things that you want or find happiness in doing or possessing, whether requiring money or not, the way to be happy is to fulfil it. Goals in life need not be a great career, need not be as noble as world peace, but just things that individuals look for and want. A need can be easily satisfied. They don't make people happy most of the time, it's just survival.

It's when people get what they WANT, then that is what creates the most satisfaction.

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