
In school.. exam period

Will do some more studying later.. Currently still picking up my lazy bones with little tweezers. :P

Today's paper was alright. It's funny how I kindda like exams sometimes.. Though most of the time they don't seem to take the same kind of liking towards me. 4 questions, each with part a) and b). 2 hrs. I nearly got a cramp in my forearm while straggeling to look for answers in the notes. I wasn't cheatin lah.. It was an open book exam. :P the questions were like 10 or 20 marks for each section!!! and truthfully speaking, there isn't that much to write.. we were all contemplating on lighting the car when the examiners drove past us after the paper. I wonder how I'll fair. Probably not bad, probably not great either.

I guess I've always been the "middle class" student. Some people (people who have not been in the same class as me) always like to think I am the smart kind that will the top scorers or something in school.. But. Oh well.. I don't fair badly so long as I put enough heart into it. But I'd mostly end up second best. 2nd for translation competition, 2nd for singing competition, all Bs for my Primaty PSLE AND my JC 'A' levels. Secondary school's 'O' levels was quite encouraging.. 5 As.. but then again, it didn't really land me anywhere there great anyway due to the way points were computed. I wonder if this will carry on in life..

Studying for OB, sometimes makes me wonder if it's internal or external attributions that brought me this far. And I'm almost afraid to say that it was almost always external. A stroke of luck maybe. *shrugs* how far luck has brought me, how much further will it bring me. I've always thanked the-guy-up-there for all the things he, or perhaps she, has done for me. I guess I do believe in fate.

I was playing Minesweeper on Windows the other night.. I couldn't sleep, and like always, I derived something useful out of the, eye tearing, mind breaking, luck directed game, which was otherwise quite simple and useless. It's just like life. Everyday, like every game, is different. Trying the same moves may not be dumb. But what WILL be dumb is if you don't spot the opportunities when they finally pop up. If you don't put your mind and heart into it when you finally have the chance.. chances are, you will just lose the game and it's not everyday that you find such chances again.

I didn't win any of the games that day. I blame it on my lack of sleep and mental frustration. But everyday is the same. chances come and chances go.. whether you are prepared for it or not.

So, perk up! there'll definitely be atleast one game that is good for you. And when it is, thank Mr. guy-up-there and buck up to do the things you gotta do! :)

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