
Ever wondered?

How do you know when you've met The One? You'll realise that when no matter how long your 'reasons why I shouldn't' list gets, you still keep coming back for more.

I don't know how many stories my list goes.. I just hope I can control my aching heart when ever I see or hear about him.

How I wished I never loved him.
How I wished I've nv been such a fool.
Believeing in love?
Perhaps believeing too much in love.

we weren't meant to be I guess.. It takes 2 hands to clap.. and now my arms are dead tired.. But still I can't fight wanting to see him every now and then.. when things go wrong.. when I want someone to help me.. to support me.. I wanted him to be the one.. The one whom I can just lay beside and talk about everything. Where I can talk nonsense and he'll play along with me.. Where I can ask him serious questions and he can give me serious answers... Where he can do all the things that I can't. and ask me to help him in things he weren't good at...

Don't know how to continue anymore.. feeling very down suddenly.. again.. bye..

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