
Bad health

I don't know why. But my health seems to be getting from bad to worst.. use to be pretty strong and healthy when I was younger.. but now.. keep getting what flu lah.. fever lah... cough lah.. then here inflamation, there inflamation.. damn.

What is wrong man. haizz... *and then I shall proceed to the gross details of my symtoms so as to gross people out(Note: if you are weak at heart, or stomach, please skip this paragraph)* The past 2 days and last night I have been blowing out thick greenish phlem with bits of blood in it.. it's damn disgusting.. the texture was almost rubbery. How'd I know? As usual, I like to examine stuff that was blown out of my nose or spit out from the mouth. :P and then.. this morning it turned into like a yellow liquid thing. Don't be mistaken to think that it's just like slightly yellowish. It was almost bright yellow in colour really.. like YELLOW it looks like something that should only be blown out from an alien's nose. think it's another form of inflamation or mucus that has been planted into my nose by alien life form while I was sleeping!!! which explains why I only get those gross stuff after I wake up!!!( okie okie...)

*okie, end of gross part, you can read on now*

So I've been drowning myself with Panadol Extra(for extra relieve from stronger pain, like bad headache, backache, toothache, chicken ache and duck ache) and assorted liang tehs(herbal drinks) which ranges from Jia Jia(my favourite) to Xia san ju wang(which I have no idea how to translate..). But nothing seem to be helping much...

Panadol Extra(for extra relieve from stronger pain, like bad headache, backache, toothache, chicken ache and duck ache) was pretty good though.. in relieving that pain off the roof of my mouth.. which I still don't really know how to catagorise when I'm telling people about it.. it's not really a sore throat, coz it's quite far off the throat, it's not a toothache as it doesn't have teeth involved, if I call it mouth ache, I think that'd be too much for anyone to imagine.. the roof-of-the-mouth-ache, is quite a mouthful though.. and it's painful to say it when I have the roof-of-the-mouth-ache coz it kindda stretches the muscles around the roof of the mouth area.. hm.. oh well. Since I'm typing, so I guess it doesn't matter..

And so, I was talking about how the Panadol Extra(for extra relieve from stronger pain, like bad headache, backache, toothache, chicken ache and duck ache) was good for my roof-of-the-mouth-ache. It really is good for aches! And it's Gentle on the stomach too~! GO GO~ Panadol Extra~!.. (for extra relieve from stronger pain, like bad headache, backache, joint pain, toothache, chicken ache and duck ache)


Had a funny dream last night.. I dreamt that I went over to Ben's place.. and he called me the wrong name.. which caused me to totally give up on him and think that he is definitely not someone I'd want to be with.. I wonder if that is an accurate reflection of what I really think.. ( that part of me about him that I have totally lost touch with). when it comes to him.. I guess I'm just still very confused.. still feels like a blur.. haiz.. just let it be I guess..

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