
a quick one.. I'm knackered

Hey guys. I'm so f-ing tired actually. just came back from portsmouth and had a nice dinner.
my feet were frozen most of the time today since the minute i stepped out of the house... and all the walking, from train stations to stadiums to anywhere really, and standing up for the football game did not help at all! just to make things alittle more dramatic though was that the insides of the shoe seem to grow harder by the seconds and i think i've got 2 nice blisters on each of my foot now.

well, but i guess the hard work did kindda pay off since arsenal did win the game,fortuntely, in the last 10 minutes i think... and we ended the game with 1-0 to arsenal. pretty happy with that, and the atmosphere there was amazing as well! all the people screaming and shouting and swearing.. haha.. rather amusing really...

I think i'm far too tired to continue though... so i'm going off now... see ya~

think i'll stay home tmr.


Good day everyone~

Calling to Singapore~ Johnny English speaking.

hahaa.. To all those who msn msged me yesterday/this morning. I'm sorry. I kindda forgot to log off my msn. ;P

So how have I been? well, a day passed quite peacefully yesterday. And today, it's noon now, but nothing much that interesting happened yet. Had 2 'breakfasts' just now though. A bowl of flakes and some bacon and cheese and tomato and more cheese and salad.. hahaa ;P and if you are wondering.. Yap, I'm turning into a pig in this foreign land. ;P

The morning is simply beautiful though.. unlike yesterday, where it was raining and all in the morning, today was sunny and the skies and trees were oh so pretty. Went out for a short stroll, and wanted to kick myself for not bringing my camera along with me. well, anyway. probably i'll again tmr and try to not forget to bring my cam with me.. the other problem would be that it's alittle too cold for me bare fingers outside, yet not very easy to operate the cam with gloves on.

well, Think i'll update again later in the evening and share with you what ever is it that is interesting~

Schedule for the day :
3pm---------go to central london to collect football tickets to the Arsenal-Portsmouth game
3.30pm-----Visit Jerry's parent's Piano shop which is in central london
And fish and chips for dinner! the famous english fish and chips.. i have high hopes, hope it won't disappoint me.


Ye ol~ folks~ this key board is a little hard to use.. coz you know why? It's an English keyboard!! which means...? I AM IN ENGLAND NOW!!!

hahaa... cool ei? it's been rather cold and the trip was much longer then expected due to little delays here and there. none the less, I still managed to survive! hahaa... (took almost 24 hrs to reach the final destination since I left home)

The place is simply beautiful. Nice trees everywhere.. I particularly like the 'bald' ones though.. haha..

Went out on a stroll and chanced upon a charity shop(aka 2nd hand shop) and bought myself a pair of boots and a skirt.. a purple checkered short skirt. hehee... quite sweet looking but I doubt I'll be wearing it very often though.. It's really amazing how cheap the things are in the shop though... amazingly cheap!! though they are all in £(of coz) but the boots were like £4.50 which is only about S$13.50. That is like freaking cheap for boots even if it's second hand I think. and the skirt was £2.25, S$6.75 kindda like This fashion.. hahaa.. ;P

got my fingers are freezing now though.. partially due to all the typing. feeling alittle numb actually. hahaa.. my face was numb when I went out for the stroll just now.. hahaa ;P

Meanwhile, I'll have to try and take nice photos of myself to put up some kind of a 'portfolio' for my modeling 'career'. the modeling agency called today actually, and wanted to have a shot on monday with me. unfortunately i'm not in Singapore. So I'll have to call them back when I get back. hope things turn out fine!

Ciao for now~


I'm suprised

by my own efficiency sometimes.. after i finished blogging this morning, i had a tonne of things I haven't done and had to get to. And now, I have almost finished everything other then some small details.

Went out to send some Christmas cards just now, and got stuck in the rain... had to get a brolly.. hope the people would like the cards, else it'd be upsetting. came back and did some more packing and chatting. hopefully i haven't missed out anything important.. ;P

Count down to England: ~2 1/2 hrs
Leaving house: 1/2 hr

oh the excitement...

So much to do

So little time.

Count down to England: 9hrs

Getting awfully soon now. I'm feeling a tit bit nervous. Just finished packing(almost) yesterday, have to do up some laundry still, there's a skirt i want to bring. And I've packed my room up as well!! threw out 2 big bags or stuff..and put up my accessories, washed my sheets, sweeped my floor.. wow.. actually I've done in these few days more things then I've done the past month or so!! kindda cool.. ;P

got more other things to do now. I better not forget to pack my toothbrush! else i'll be little miss stinky breath when i get there..


England here I come!!

count down to England: 30hrs.

woot woot~!


1st step towards Modeling~!!!

Boy am I excited!

It happened like this.. see, I mentioned that I'm thinking of doing part time modeling right? so I went on the net and searched for some modeling agencies in Singapore and found Cue Models International and sent an application over. And they called me! TWICE! (coz the 1st time i wasn't with my phone..) so it seems they are really pretty keen! and asked me to go on a interview with them.

So, today was the day of interview!! The interview went well, the place is freaking far. It's near East Coast Rd, I live on West Coast Rd... SEE the distance? Well, anyway, the interview kindda went well I think. And she quite openly told me that she sees potential in me being a model. The thing is, I'll have to go through training still coz I'm totally inexperienced. The course fee would be 500 bucks in total, they'll be subsidising 150 for me, so i'll have to pay 350 still... B thinks they are trying to rip me off.. I'm starting to think so too.. but the thing is... the girls whom he knows who gets money through modeling and do not need to pay for anything at all are either very explicit in their pics, or very explicit themselves..

Anyway, think i'll continue looking.. being inexperienced is really no good.. haiz... anyway, i'll call them again when i'm back from my holiday.

talking about my holiday... anyone willing to take care of my hamster for 2 1/2 weeks while i'm away? nothing too difficult really. just need to change it's bedding once per 4-7 days when you think it's stinky, and give it food and water when it runs out. plus, my hamster is a entertainer and a bundle of joy. she dances to music and sleep walks... so if you are willing please tag me.


PROM dress pic

waking up

Waking up in a different bed
A cigerette in my hand
Bottles of wine
Rum and rye
Rushing in my head.

All is but a dream.
A dream inside a dream.
And how I'd wish I could be
Living without dread.


Sweet dreams

Last night's sleep was simply sweet, other then that my throat and sinus were working up late giving me some problems before falling asleep. If not, the bed was nice and soft, the temperature was just right, the pillows were of the right height... actually my dreams were a little weird, but it was nice anyhow.. woke up in the morning and went back to sleep afterward. until ~12noon. hahaa... ;P

And now it's raining... feel like going back to sleep... hahaa... die... really turning into a pig.. but then i think it's because i've been so in lack of sleep for sooooo long.. that now it's catching up on me... still i'll try to fight it.. don't want to sleep too much anyway..


Boys like crazy girls.

I just figured it out. Boys simply like girls who are out of the world, strange, crazy, utter madness, and they term it 'unique'.

Well, I guess it's only human to like things that are different from all other normalities of life. It makes us feel like we are significant individuals, each being very different from every other 'sigificant individuals'. And so, it feels almost like a race. We try to out shine, or 'out dirt', other ppl around us. Dressing bizarrely to gain attention to prove to ourselves that there's something worth a second look about us as an 'unique' individual. But really. How unique is a person with a big mohawk, pink hair, big shirt and nipple piercings when every body else can be just the same? uniqueness, to me, ain't just about looking different. It ain't about what shirt you wear, what restaurant you visit, what hairstyle you have. To me, it's more about how you carry yourself with that hair, that gown, that whatever. But when that's the case, it's simply the way one carries him or herself isn't it? the rest are just accessories, accessories of life.

I've seen posers(losers), who try to be who they are not. Putting on big shirts highlighting how cool they are, when they simply can't pull it off! It's like, I'd think they were more cool if they just wore something normal/do things which belong to what they'd do, rather then to have this totally uncool image of trying too hard, and doing certain things because they feel obliged to, because they want to be different, because they want to impress other ppl. It's just not right! Instead of climbing up the ladder they are trying so hard to climb, I think they are more like taking a slide.

I'm not saying that the 'cool' ppl are the only ones that would ever be cool. I'm not saying that it's in born, if you are not cool, that's it. I'm saying, if you want to be cool/hip/truely unique, you should start from within, and not from the surface. Start by changing your mindset, not your closet. Start off by changing how YOU view things, how YOU react to things and not with the purpose of trying to impress other people with what you want to do. Sure, every one wants to impress, but when you are trying too hard/you are not sincere, ppl CAN feel it. You'll be more naked then a turkey on a Christmas table.

but of coz, there will always be some people who are just annoying being themselves. that, I'd suggest, get yourself a consultant. There probably is somehting very wrong with your mindset about the society, and your socialising skills need some urgent attention. Try asking some close friends of yours what do they think is wrong with you(I repeat, CLOSE FRIENDS). If they refuse to tell you, they are probably not your closest friends, look for others. If you have no friends at all, probably you should do some self evaluation, I believe it wouldn't be too hard to find some flaws in which you can work on.

Going back to the theory I have about guys liking girls(or may be guys?) who are mad. I think the theory stands where uniqueness is concerned. It makes a mark, leaves a lasting memory, and believe it or not, i think mad people are the most sincere of all people. they simply don't act! mebbe that's why ppl think they are mad?

it's hard to strike a balance. I know. I try to be as sincere as i can towards everyone whom paths i've crossed. I love deeply and whole heartedly when I'm with whoever I'm with. And I cherish every one of my friends, whether we met only once, or we've known each other for a life time(which currently is only 19 years, but it'll get slightly longer)(I hope).

And if I've ever loved any one too deeply, or more then I should have, I'm sorry. Coz love is all I have to give. And I hope they can feel it as sincerely as i gave it to them.


Hot conversation.

Hot hot hot...

sizzling hot..


too embarrassed to put it up here.. but really hot... hahaa.. ;P


I'm so tired.

meanwhile, I'm so tired i can't believe it. I actually slept all the way until 3++ today!!! wow. okie lah, i did wake up a few times here and there, but that must be a record! almost 12 hrs of sleep!! and I STILL FEEL TIRED! my god. i'm turning into a pig.

Prom night~ again...

okie this is the 3rd NYJC prom night I've been to. It's by far the most well mc-ed one, and also the food was the nicest I think. But the place was much smaller/the crowd was much smaller, and there wasn't many teachers who joined the prom this year. only one small table. It is quite obvious how supportive the teachers are towards our batch, isn't it?

Anyway, it cost me 80 bucks, so the food is supposed to be good. But the quantity is a little.. er hm.. I wasn't really anywhere near full when I left. oh well...

Went clubbing in dbl o bar afterwards, Piggy's 1st clubbing trip! haha.. a short one for a start. only stayed there until about 2. it's kindda weird dancing in prom dresses anyway.

I would have uploaded some pictures if the memory card isn't stuck in the card reader. so if i'm lucky enough to be able to get it out, i will put some up(not forgetting i'll need Gav to teach me how to do that as well..)

So, finally! I've officially thoroughly graduated!


nursery rhyme?

Cheeky rhino~
With a big pointy horn.
Slightly curved pointing to the skies.
Poking who ever comes by.

Cheeky rhino~
With such thick skin.
Coverd with fur of thick and thin
The neck is the only weakness, or so it seems.

Cheeky rhino~
You need a pair of specs!
Those eyes of yours can't see no speck
You are blinder then a blind ol' bat!

Love in the air~

Love is in the air~

Can't stop smiling when I think of Sat. Marche... ginger bread... HMV... sticker photo... telling me something he nv did before? or just being innocently sweet? Which ever, it made me very very happy, for 2 days now... ;P

On other news, I passed Piggy her Birthday present finally, and had myself de-fured in her house yesterday. hahaa.. it was quite a fun day of waxing and all.. haha.. FIRST TIME I WAXED MYSELF!! now got minimal hair on my arms and legs.. ;P quite shiok actually... not as painful as I expected it to be.. haha.. Masochistic me~

then went to do my hair for today and also my nails... quite very unfortunately, the salon hair dresser kindda cheated me coz she said that the hair will stay for as long as I don't wash my hair/touch water, but it is already softening and coming down!!! grr... 38 bucks.. feel cheated.. hopefully it will last.. actually it's kindda nice now, soft spirals, but I think by the time prom starts it would have gone down to a slight wave already.

me finger nails are pretty nice, unfortunately, the colours on my toes kindda got destroyed by Xmen. Quite fortunately for him though is that, 1)I don't really mind, 2)My fingers may not be done yet, 3)He paid for them to be done anyway. so, I didn't wack the crap out of him.
hahaa.. it was quite funny I thought, when the manicurist asked if I can punch my pin for payment. I asked Xmen to help me punch it naturally. And she said, 'aiya, you should pay for her mah. See, she do her hair with her own money right? Then you help her pay half half lah!' And he kindda gladly accepted! hahaa.. a new way to cheat money out of guys hm.. do manicure and don't bring any cash.. hahaaa!!!! kidding, don't preplan this kindda things normally. Unless I'm like really REALLY broke. in which case I won't be doing manicure, probably ask for a dinner date or something.

Talking about food.. I had the oily-est sweet corn I've ever had in my life yesterday! hahaa.. I told the girl to put extra oil and salt, and she really put EXTRA oil.half the cup of sweet corn was soaked in oil!! haha.. I'm not complaining though, i liked it! very nice.. hahaa.. no good for my throat though.. ;P

Watched Bridget Jones Diary yesterday. quite funny, but i thought it wasn't as nice as the previous one. it's a very lovey dovey one, I wanted more of Hugh Grant though, he is the charming and funny one. hahaa.. ;P


No good.

I made Jerry very upset yesterday. And we talked, or rather he talked and tried to get me to talk. I'm no good at situations like this.. I tend to run away when problems arise and I don't think I can handle(or perhaps I don't want to handle them).

The problem is going to persist. I know it. And it will not end unless I put an end to it. I managed to make him feel alittle better, but I guess both of us know that that's all just surface work.

Met Xmen on friday. He looked darn good in his black long sleeves and white trousers. It's really been so long since I got to see him. He seem to look better each time though.. ;P so mebbe it's good to not see him for a while. hahaa..

So many things going on now. Haiz.. tiring.



B came back from M'sia yesterday! And we met up for dinner at IKEA. He didn't really want to go initially, but I managed to persuade him. He didn't really think much of that place, in fact, i think it would be the last place he'd want to go for dinner. But the thing is, he had nv been to IKEA for food! He kindda simply assumed that the food won't be nice since it's a furniture place. So, we went in, had Swedish Meatballs for dinner and he liked it just as much as I do! Yum, always liked those.. :P So, i guess i kindda changed his mind sbout the food there.. but the soup was weird.. hahaa.. the asperagus soup was kindda lime green in colour... it looks as if they accidently poured some chemical acid in it.. hahaa... I thought it tasted alright though.. B thinks it tastes weird. oh well, anyway, the colour is really a put off.. don't think i'll order that ever again.

We went around for a little walk, also to see if there's anything he need in his place. he totally screwed up his carpet(which, unfortunately, belongs to his landlord) so he had to find a replacement for it before she finds out.. Apparently he accidently poured orange juice on it, yes you are right, that is no big deal, normally all one has to do is wash it with some soap and water and all will be fine.. but.. nooo.... he had to use BLEACH. so now, the carpet has got this really big ugly patch of bleached spot. and he didn't even bother to ask if the laundry ppl have any way to help. anyway, the carpet was 199 bucks. I told him that he can get a cheaper one for replacement(i doubt the landlord cares actually, coz she don't live there anyway) but he should really ask if the laundry ppl can do anything about it 1st.

and so we went out and tried to get a cab. thank god i remembered that his bags were still in the lockers. else.. that IS it. I swear he is going to get so pissed and messed up... I'd wish I'm not there.. but then, I remembered, so he is appreciative and i'm happy. good ending.

He is still sick though.. quite sadly. coughing and all... hmm..I wonder why. he's been ill for almost 2 weeks now, or mebbe more then that. He tends to not feel hungry when he is ill, which is not good.. he looks like he's lost weight... oh god.. pls don't let him lose any more weight.. Man I really don't like skinny guys.

On an ego boosting note. Lots of guys seem to hitting on me lately. A secondary school friend smsed me today, and kindda expressed his interest. we started off with some friendly chatting and the normal stuff, then...

'Okie.. So you prom night, can i come? Haha'

'Haha. Want to take the chance to know girls ar? Hahaa...'

'No la.. Be your guy for the night'

hmm.. okie lah, i've had a small crush on this guy before, mebbe he did too, but then.. we kindda ended everything before anything could start. and we haven't been contacting each other for a long time! and i mean looooong time, so it came kindda like a surprise. I was flattered though. hehee.. ;P B also wanted to go to my prom. Slavey stole my prom tix for a moment, but he was just being an idiot. ;P haha.. (i'm so gonna get killed) Mad Ozzie has been asking me out quite alot lately as well! hehee... And then Jimmy kindda resumed contact with me, apparently he got himself a job near my place.hmm..

Okie, enough of all that, I'll be going for a dnd tonight and tmr night~ tmr's is the football team, hibs. and tonight's just an invitation by a friend, sounds fun, and it is said to be held at this chic place, and it has a theme as well, tropical. The problem is.. though i live in the tropics, I don't particularly think i've got any outfit that is distinctly tropical? hmm... the irony. oh well, i better go prepare now~ ciao~


Day out~

Yesterday actually.

met up with slavey, since he had nothing better to do just as I. haha.. He is one damn lucky guy loh.. get paid to do approximately nothing. get fed untill fat fat. get offs for no good reason other then that his boss is lazy to go to work. wha lao..

anyway, we wanted to ice skate, so we arranged to meet at 230 at kallang mrt. unfortunately, haha..(embarrassed laugh) i was late for half an hour. ;P so i reached at 3. I anticipated myself to be late for another 15 minutes more actually.. so i already did better then i thought i would have. anyway, i was pretty hungry(having not eaten for the whole morning till afternoon) so we walked to the 'you tiao da wang' to eat. then i got so full nearly vomited afterwards.. ;P actually i didn't eat that much, only a small bowl of the taiwan mian xian, rong song bing, and a glass of soyabeen milk. think it's coz the stomach too empty then suddenly got food, caught it by surprise.*shrugs*

then by the time i resumed composure and we headed towards the ice skating place it was already about 4. hahaa ;P

upsettingly enough, when we reached the complex,after the long and humid walk, it was closed, and apparently since september as well... damn. so we walked back to the mrt since we were both pretty tired from all the walking and stuff.. and stopped for a little chat/rest outside kallang stadium. where i kicked him after he stole my prom tix and my phone, and manage to give myself a big bruise which i'm quite sure he'll be happy to hear.

The freaking bruise is around 5cm in diameter!!! must be the biggest bruise i've had till now!

and then we headed back to the mrt and went home. hahaa.. quite a senseless day. ;P

I'm going to learn salsa from my friend! it's official! and he kindda volunteered! which was grrrreeeaat! so i'll be going to this salsa club to learn from him. every friday is free apparently. so i'm reconsidering if i should get a membership.

i'm so excited!! ^_^
Okie... I just managed to get myself really upset again.. F**k the f**king b*s***d. Life's too short to be upset over the same person over and over again and again.. if he don't give a damn, y should I?



if any one is interested. I'm dying. not physically, mentally. been rotting away. went to a salsa club the night before though.. that was slightly more mentally challenging which was nice. there wasn't many ppl on the dance floor so i was free to bum abround and not be where i should be. haha.. did manage to make one of my dance partners to bleed though.. that was an unfortunate accident.well, can't blame me ya? It was the 1st time i danced salsa. ;P

the funny thing was, I went with a guy who was my secondary school's teacher's son. haha.. so i thought it was quite funny when his dad asked him who is he out with and he said his ex student. hmm.. It seems that if i get membership for that place, entrance fee is free from mon-thur and i'll only have to pay 8 bucks per month.(the entrance fee is normally 6 buck per head) so i figuered.. i only have to go like twice per month to get my money's worth. and i can learn and have fun at the same time! ^_^ (perhaps i'll have to pay medical fees for other ppl if i go too often though... hmm... mebbe i should rethink the idea.) ;P