
A little story i wrote about a girl named Elisa

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I'm in love with you
I hope you are too...

Elisa wrote down this little poem of approximately no originality at all on a little yellow card she made. It may not be the best poem in the world, but it is truely what she feels.

Elisa is in love with a young man, a nurse in Kimberlane hospital. He is as gentle as the morning breeze, and strong as a tree. She's never seen him before, but people who have, said he had eyes like the the moon in the river, and a smile that can make the coldest nights warm.

'Ring... Ring....'

Elisa very quickly ran to the phone from her room. Counting every step as she ran. Her brother had asked several times, but she rejected the idea of having a phone installed in her room, she finds it 'unnecessary'. She arrived at the hall and quickly reached out her hands to feel for the phone....

'Hello! This is Elisa speaking.'

'Hi! Benjamin here, how are you?'

'Oh, I'm fine really been napping the whole day. haha. Lazy me.' Elisa hated lying, but she just can't bring herself to say she's been making cards even if she didn't say it's for him.

'I see. Well, that's something I'd like to do. The hospital had been really busy the whole morning, but i thought I'd give you a call to check on you. I seems you took leave today. Why?' He's voice sounded very stern suddenly.

She flustered. Looking for the right thing to say.. 'What reason can i give?!' she had taken leave for no better reason then that she wanted to make a card!

'I... I...' She muttered..

'You ate that dinner that had been lying in your fridge for god-knows-how-long didn't you!' He was so sure. 'I told you to get rid of it!

'Oh you see through me' And then she regretted lying again, but there wasn't a better reason that she could come up with.

'The hospital is quiet without you... ' Benjamin kind of muttered and trailed off as if embarassed to have made such a silly comment.

On the other end of the line, Elisa was flushed. She couldn't believe what she had heard and is too afraid to ask for verification.

'So when are you coming back?' Ben went back to his cheery self as if trying to hide his embarassment.

'I'll be back tomorrow!' Elisa replied with the same kind of awkward excitement.

The conversation ended very soon, leaving the shy wondering mind of Elisa thinking about what he meant by 'Quiet without you'. It kind of resonates in her mind in a magical way, like music, like a soft sweet tune of piano, making her happy. She lets it past, and let the idea settle as a beautiful understanding, or rather, misunderstanding.

She went to work as usual the next day. With her, is always her faithful dog Charles. Charles is also a nurse technically, he helps alot especially when it comes to the children wards, he has the ability to open up the hearts of the critically ill opening a path for Elisa to enter, or perhaps the other way around. Days passed, the card was left in the house, maybe that she is too shy, may be that it wasn't made with the intention of being given in the first place.

She is just such a girl. Always giving. Even if it was one sided. She is afraid to recieve, afraid to be hurt, afraid that things won't turn out the way she expected to have. Always afraid. But she never appeared so. She's always bright and cheery, brightening the days of everyone who crossed her path.

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