

I like bean sprouts, durian, apples, papayas, cheese, cheesy food, pastas, very rare steak, chilli, hot curry, water lilies, water melon, any kind of music(as long as it has rythm), my room, a bed with lots of sheets, my hamster, my fish(the last tiger barb standing.. or rather... swimming..), my brother's hi fi set, the window, the scenary outside my window, tall trees, pigeons, owls, sea gulls, motor bikes, convertables, smiles, sleeping ppl, hugs, kisses, dreaming, listening to ppl talk, singing, dancing, fish for complements, ride the bicycle, off the air-conditioner and open the windows during car rides, sun tan, swimming, running, jumping around, wonder aimlessly, gaze at the stars, purple, sleep on my parent's bed, sleep on other ppl's bed, maths, chinese, english, physics, talking on the phone, seeing the doctor, visiting the dentist, torturing ppl, hearing other ppl cry in pain(often pain inflicted by me), drama, acting, drawing, poke fun at ppl, things that shine/glow/reflect light, guys that are shy, food stuck on my teeth, sucking my own fingers, biting them, massages, give others massages, cute soft toys, birthdays, new years, celebrations, ppl, holding hands, clouds, rolling on grass, rolling on the floor, pissing enemies off, greetings, thank yous, reading interesting books, staying up late, disturbing other ppl, light drinks, coffee without sugar, tea with lots of sugar, sugar, ice cream cakes, mash potatoes, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, tea eggs, salads, fried oyster egg, fried carrot cake, Mr. Leong, listening to strangers talking about interesting things that are unknown to me.

I dislike orange juice, plain hard boiled eggs, oily food, lack of sleep, doing homework, ppl calling me in the middle of the night when i am sick, anger, hunger, rain, ppl who think they are simply great, unfriendly ppl, racist, sexist, any of the -ists, doing house chores, being told off, telling ppl off, kids that put on alot of makeup, liars, cheaters, ppl who like to assume, smoked salmon, raw oyster, red bean soup, red bean buns, all red bean products other then ice cream... same goes to yam, guys who scratch their crotch openly in public, cowards, finding dead fishes in my fish tank, overly religious individuals, inconsideration, discouraging comments, bad grades, biased teachers, crying, boredom, talking, screwing things up, extremely dirty jokes, coloured crystsentimum tea(however you spell it), forgeting the spelling of words, warm nights, cold days, loud noises, loud ppl, screaming, singing out of tune, losing, bathing, washing my sportshoes, pimples on my face, being unable to fit into my drama costumes, being taken a bad photo, pms, animals that are too active, hamsters that bite, oats, stuff goin bad in the fridge, discovering the stuff 1 month after it had gone bad, thinking, fats, flabby arms... especially when they are mine, ppl telling me i look fat, school, statistics, mechanics, things that i cannot understand, heartaches, muscle aches, head aches, bullies, finding things, nothing to watch on tv, munching on junk food knowing that they are junk, Mr Neo, lack of attention, inequality, perverts, guys with small hands/short fingers, croakroaches, ant coloneys, finding i have not done alot of homework and i'm still using the com...

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