

it's 2 days into my hols now.. and i haven't done anything useful yet.. other then doin cip(community involvment programme) at the bukit batok library...
so i guess i better do something today.. cause tmr.. im goin CLUBBING! hehee.... and further more, next week is my block test.. ;< haiz... school life stinks...
anyway... I'm really looking forward to my Clubbing trip, it's kindda the 1st time actually... the other times i went to those night life places, they are all quite small and stuff, not exactly like real night clubs i thought.. and they are more often then not crowded with ah-bengs and ah-lians(hooligans) so i guess this one should be much better... and a friend is bringing me in for free as well.. ;P okei okie.. i know, i'm a little cheapo... but then.. it's only human right?
I've been reading this book lately, it's called Sophie's World. It's a really nice book, really thick though.. i think it's the thickest book i've ever read in my life! and then again, i don't usually read in my life do i? ;PIt's a book about philosophy, with alot of good stuff in it... and i found alot of the things it talks about were kindda covered by my GP tutors b4... so i'm starting to think it can be really good for my GP, which is good as my GP is horrible... so for those who are interested in philosophy and GP, here's a good book for a good read!
And the other day, i bought a packet of twisties..called, Twisties Cool ColorZ. As you might have guessed it's kindda like coloured twisties really.. i opened it up today.. it looked normal, as in, i don't see blue or green coloured twisties in it... and so i thought mebbe the colour is Yellow so i just ate as per normal, it taste the same as normal chicken favoured twisties as well... hmm.. i was starting to feel abit cheated.. so i decided to take a look at my tongue, see if it had turned yellow or not... and to my surprise, my tongue was kindda a brownish green colour! and so i investigated further.. i took a good look at the twisties and found a speck of green on it... i applied some saliver on it.. and wha la! the area turned green! so i put the thing into my mouth, and then took it out again.. and the whole thing turned green! and that was it.. i kindda lost my appetite after seeing the twisties turn green before my eyes... well, anyhow, it was a fun and interesting experience.. quite a good way to learn too.. haha... now i know that there are food colours that only show when they get in contact with saliver.. i think i should try with plain water and see if it works.. ;"P
What have you discovered today? Have a great day!!!

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