
Little April showers

I like the rain.I think it has somthing to do with the idea of 'you can never step into the same river twice' by heraclitus (or something like that) I like the rain coz they are never the same, ever changing, but the changes are all in a way i like.. haha.. Just fallingI like it when the rain is falling and there's no one on the streets.I like it when i see from a slight distance that there's another person watching the rain just as me.I like the way the rain falls, vertically, or at an angle.I like the coolness it brings with it.I like the way it seem to bring life to the 'dead' things around usI like the way it makes our view slightly blurredI like the way rain sounds, be it falling on grass, window frames or concrete wallsI like playing the 'catch-the-raindrop' game when I'm under sheltersI like getting drenched in freezing cold big rain once in a while.I like the way it washes away alot of things.
I simply Love the RAIN! sorry Mr sunshine this entry is for the Rains. The ever so sleek, ever so wilful, hidden with danger, but still ever so seductive Rains.


It's the little things that matter

I don't care if you buy me diamonds
I don't care if you buy me jewels
I don't care if you are rich or poor!

I don't care if you are older
I don't mind if you have no time to spare
But I DO care when you don't bother

If the skies were grey
If the fields were brown
If the seas were empty
I want you around

It's the little things,Can't you see
The little things that matters to me
When we hold hands
When we kiss
When you serve me tea

When you listen
When you answer
When you pay some attention!

Can't you see?! Can't you tell?!
Can't you even smell?!
It's the little things that you did that made me smile!


try try!

Hi fren,This one for you. Dun tell others ok?I just got a message from a friend teaching me how to reload my hand phone every month for free. Engineered by a group of rebel programmers. Now I am going to share this to all for you. Please follow the instructions as stated below before you start it: Applicable for SINGTEL & M1 user only and is done illegally of course.You can only do this every 24th & 25th of the month as the network system is under upgrade.

1.) ** Dial "1415007" using your h/phone and wait for 5 second

2.) ** after 5 second, you will hear some funny noise (like soundfrom TV when the station is finish)

3.) ** Once the noise stop, immediately dial 9151 follow by your phone number

4.) ** A recorded message "please insert your pin number" willfollow

5.) ** punch in the pin number "011785 45227 00734" and wait for the operator finish repeating the above pin number.

6.) ** After the pin number has been repeat, dial "0405-for M1, 404-for SINGTEL" .

7.) ** you will hear a message "for air time top-up press 1723" you just have to follow the instruction

8.) ** After you follow the instruction, the noisy sound will re-appear for about 5 second

9.) ** once the noise stop, dial "4455147" follow by "146"

10.) ** after about 5 second, dial "1918" after 3 second dial "4451"

11.) ** after you done that, punch in the serial number "01174452271145527" you will hear dial tone.

12.) ** once the dialing tone stop, dial "55524785933" you will hear "please key in your password"

13.) ** the password is " ****2+253+7891*+546322 " wait for the message "your password accepted"

14.) ** you will hear " please insert your emey number " now you have to be fast to dial your own h/phone number

15.) ** you will hear a dialing tone, when the call is answer, dial "1566" and you will hear "re-confirm emey number"

16.) ** once you hear that message, dial "6011556 2245334 follow by your h/phone number

17.) ** after a while, you will hear a message "your pin number is accepted" you have to dial "1007"

18.) ** after you done that you will hear "your emey number is accepted"

19.) ** continue dial "4566" you will hear "your password is accepted"

20.) ** once the second message finish, immediately dial your own h/phone number

21.) ** Now you will receive a message saying...........


Buahahahahaha.... juz a joke to release stress..... jerky me oso a victim la....


What kind of loyalty am I?

As a Princess you recognize there is so much about the world you need to learn. You may sometimes be naive but other times you are wise beyond your years! You are sharp, observant, joyous, and interested in your own personal growth. You have a very caring heart, and are a sweet and beautiful woman.Which Royalty Are You?


Little girl who doesn't cry

There once was a little girl who never cried, not after she was born and checked with normal breathing ability atleast.She didn't cry when she got her 1st hair cut, she didn't cry when she 1st fell down, she didn't cry even when blood was trickling down her knees, neither did she cry when she was hit by a batch of gangster kids.But one day she cried... and she cried.. not for a sweet, not for a candy, for her mother hit her...
"But I didn't!" she cried. "It's not with me!"
whips of the cane, like a butcher's knife, hit her not on the hand. But on her heart. The hand went numb. The whips didn't hurt anymore. But the pain just kept working. She looked at her mother straight in the eye. Fuming with rage, lit with anger. She looked up at her from her small corner. She could feel her eyes like a breaking dam. This sadness, this rage. 'Can't you even believe your own daughter?!' She managed to find strength from her trembling hands, and scarred body, her legs still weak from the caning. She ran, straight out of the door, she had no idea where she wanted to go. She had no idea what she wanted to do. She simply ran, all she planned was to run, run out of this pain. Run away from this pain she had nv felt before in her life.
The muscles tensed, still slightly anaesthetised from the earlier event, but not tired, or atleast she didn't feel they were. And then she felt it.. this weakness..
She fell. On her knees, then laid on the ground. Her heart still pounding. Her breathe fast paced, but still deep. She wept, she can no longer hold her tears, the sharp pain in her chest has collapsed the dam in her heart. This pain, this anger.
She looked up in the skies. The stars were shining as usual. Just then, she saw a falling star. She felt it. And her heart died.

Thoughts to ponder... or mebbe not!

If practise makes perfect, but nobody is perfect, why practise?

If bread with butter always drops with the butter side down,
and cats always lands on their legs.
What will happen when you strap slice of buttered bread on the back of a cat and drop it?

Study = no Fail -----Eq (1)
no Study = Fail -----Eq (2)
(1)+(2)Study + no Study = no Fail + Fail
*take out common factor on both sides*
Study ( 1 + no ) = Fail ( 1 + no)
*divide throughout by (1+ no)*
Study = Fail

Women = time x moneyTime is money
Women = money^2Money is the root of all evil
Women = evil

Men = Money x Time x WomenAgain, Time is Money, Women = evil
Men = (Money^2)(Evil)Money is the root of all evil
Men = Evil^2


The stupidest American

Yes, he is the most stupid lead character of all the real stories I've heard.
It's another one of those internet friend meetings. An American and a Singaporean. Well.. the American wanted to meet up with the Singaporean girl, so, he actually took a flight half way round the Earth, to Singapore just to meet her. Okie.. this act by itself may be nothing to some ppl, but notice the 'JUST'.... He didn't really enjoy the meeting, Oh well, nothing is lost, one can always take a tour around this other half of the hemisphere right? But no... he actually took a straight flight home the very next day. Did you know that the whole flight to and fro takes almost 2 days? so he spent like 3 days out, on flight and stuff, and really got home EMPTY handed! No girl, no tour, no nothing! just hrs and hrs of flight time wasted and money!
Unbelievable.. Just how cracked in the head has someone got to be to do that kindda thing?



Thursday night was great! or should i say Friday morning... hmm... okie, i know this is a little stale, but then..haha... anyway.. i've got this sudden dash of highness now..;P
It was great fun dancing and drinking! Danced a whole lot! And got some compliments about it too! hehe... ego booster! ;P
And i managed to find the courage to dance on stage as well too!! the feeling of looking down at a crowd is sooooo damn gooood!!! hahhaaa...
I think lately the evil me settled in abit.. but it's strange how one voice can kindda cool it down... hmm.. he's almost as evil as i am.. i wonder where he got the power to getting rid of my evil side from... anyway, talked to him abit just now... revitalised? hmm.. kindda i'd say.. always feel happy communicating with him somehow.. haha... not that i'm crazy over him or anything... just enjoy his company i guess.. ;P i might just get to see him in a while... hmm... i think i sound really crazy now.. ;P
okie, back to my clubbing. Overall it was great fun, i like music, i like dance, and i enjoy light drinking.. so it's a fun place for me, fun is where there are people i think.But then.. there was this rather irritating guy there, he's a friend of my friend. HE GIVES ME THE CREEPS! Cannot tahan him... he portrays this desperate but hopeless, wants to be manly, but is incredibly sissy when dancing kindda guy? just my luck having to meet him twice in my life. he turned out to be from the same secondary school as i was in. then i remembered the 1st time i got to know him, it's strange how he radiates this desperatenss, it's like a desperate glow around him... anyway, i don't recall liking him anymore than this time round.
Other then him, the night was great, had a good time dancing with my friend, and looking at girls... my usual hobby ofcoz.. haha... there was this really pretty girl with nice long legs in boots and really short hot pants, dancing infront of our table. Her dance moves where kindda sexy i think.... Sometimes i'm glad i'm not a guy... else i'll have no idea what'll happen..hm.. a thought to ponder... ;P
Anyway, we left at 230 to avoid the taxi queuing, and i got home rather early i thought.. about 3? hmm.. looking forward to my other hols! then i can go again! haha....

Where is the love - Black Eye Peas

People killin' people dyin'
Children hurtun' hear them cryin'
Can you practice what you preach
Or would you turn the other cheek
Send some guidance from above
'Cuz people got me got me questionin
'Where is the love (where is the love)

What's wrong with the world mama
People livin' like ain't got no mamas
I think the whole world addicted to the drama
Only attracted to things that'll bring ya trauma
Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists hea livin' in the USA
The big CIA, the Blood to the Crips and the KKK
But if you only have love for ya own race
Then ya only leave space to discriminate
And to discriminate only generates hate
And when ya hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah
Badness is what ya demonstrate
and that's exactly how ANGER works and Operates
Nig, you gotta have love just to set it straight
Take control of your mind and meditate
Let your soul gravitate to the love y'all, y'all

Chorus:People killin' people dyin'
Children hurt, ain't even cryin'
Would you practice what you preach
Or would you turn the other cheek
Send some guidance from above
'Cuz people got me got me questionin
'Where is the love (where is the love)
Where is the love
Where is the love,
the love, the love

It just ain't the same,
always unchanged
New days are strange, is the world insane
If love and peace is so strong
Why are these pieces of love that don't belong
Nations droppin' bombs
Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little ones
With the ongoin' sufferin' as the youth die young
So ask yourself is the lovin' really gone
So I could ask myself really what is goin' wrong
In this world that we livin' in people keep on givin' in
Makin' wrong decisions only visions of them dividends
Not respectin' each other, deny thy brother
A war is goin' on but the reason's undercova
The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug
If you never know truth then you never know love
Where's the love y'all come on (I don't know)
Where's the truth y'all come on (I don't know)
Where's the love y'all

Repeat Chrous

I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder
As I'm getting olda, y'all people gets colda
Most of us only care about money makin'
Selfishness got us followin' our own direction
Wrong information always shown by the media
Negative images is the main criteria
Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria
Kids wanna act like what they see in the cinema
Yo, whatever happened to the values of humanity
Whatever happened to the fairness in equality
Instead of spreading love we spreading animosity
Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' down
There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under
Gotta keep my faith alive 'til love is found

Repeat Chorus til fade

It's quite amazing how i got to know this song through a GP lecture, the lecturer played it for us during our lecture on Prejudice and Discrimination. Well, I think it's a great song, the lyrics are very meaningful and i love the tune and the beat. Black Eye Peas happens to be the winner of the Asian MTV awards as well~ I don't know about their other songs, but think this is good enough. ;P



it's 2 days into my hols now.. and i haven't done anything useful yet.. other then doin cip(community involvment programme) at the bukit batok library...
so i guess i better do something today.. cause tmr.. im goin CLUBBING! hehee.... and further more, next week is my block test.. ;< haiz... school life stinks...
anyway... I'm really looking forward to my Clubbing trip, it's kindda the 1st time actually... the other times i went to those night life places, they are all quite small and stuff, not exactly like real night clubs i thought.. and they are more often then not crowded with ah-bengs and ah-lians(hooligans) so i guess this one should be much better... and a friend is bringing me in for free as well.. ;P okei okie.. i know, i'm a little cheapo... but then.. it's only human right?
I've been reading this book lately, it's called Sophie's World. It's a really nice book, really thick though.. i think it's the thickest book i've ever read in my life! and then again, i don't usually read in my life do i? ;PIt's a book about philosophy, with alot of good stuff in it... and i found alot of the things it talks about were kindda covered by my GP tutors b4... so i'm starting to think it can be really good for my GP, which is good as my GP is horrible... so for those who are interested in philosophy and GP, here's a good book for a good read!
And the other day, i bought a packet of twisties..called, Twisties Cool ColorZ. As you might have guessed it's kindda like coloured twisties really.. i opened it up today.. it looked normal, as in, i don't see blue or green coloured twisties in it... and so i thought mebbe the colour is Yellow so i just ate as per normal, it taste the same as normal chicken favoured twisties as well... hmm.. i was starting to feel abit cheated.. so i decided to take a look at my tongue, see if it had turned yellow or not... and to my surprise, my tongue was kindda a brownish green colour! and so i investigated further.. i took a good look at the twisties and found a speck of green on it... i applied some saliver on it.. and wha la! the area turned green! so i put the thing into my mouth, and then took it out again.. and the whole thing turned green! and that was it.. i kindda lost my appetite after seeing the twisties turn green before my eyes... well, anyhow, it was a fun and interesting experience.. quite a good way to learn too.. haha... now i know that there are food colours that only show when they get in contact with saliver.. i think i should try with plain water and see if it works.. ;"P
What have you discovered today? Have a great day!!!


drama night 2004

it was fantabulouse, incredible, over the moon!!
i think this year drama night was a great success!! not only did the audience enjoy the show.. they even gave us a standing ovation!
every thing went so well, this mixed feeling of physical tiredness and mental alertness now... so happy! happy happy happy! if you ask me.. i think the matinee audiences responded more to my part... i guess they were a pretty formal group.. all the teachers and principle..oh well, anyway, ;after a while they begin to warm up... and things just get better and better..
the mic corked up during the matinee though.. thank god it didn't for the big show at night..anyway it's all over now, and i think we really haven't wasted a bit of our efforts.. okie i'm not going to go all cheesy here, i'll miss the off stage work, but i'll not dwell on it.. I'd wish for a chance to be in another play now, and try to improve my acting.. there are still alot of rough edges needed to be polished up... and lots of challenges ahead..
okie.. now i'll have to find other things to waste my time on....hmm... what's worth me wasting my time on? homework? nah.. hahaa....



I like bean sprouts, durian, apples, papayas, cheese, cheesy food, pastas, very rare steak, chilli, hot curry, water lilies, water melon, any kind of music(as long as it has rythm), my room, a bed with lots of sheets, my hamster, my fish(the last tiger barb standing.. or rather... swimming..), my brother's hi fi set, the window, the scenary outside my window, tall trees, pigeons, owls, sea gulls, motor bikes, convertables, smiles, sleeping ppl, hugs, kisses, dreaming, listening to ppl talk, singing, dancing, fish for complements, ride the bicycle, off the air-conditioner and open the windows during car rides, sun tan, swimming, running, jumping around, wonder aimlessly, gaze at the stars, purple, sleep on my parent's bed, sleep on other ppl's bed, maths, chinese, english, physics, talking on the phone, seeing the doctor, visiting the dentist, torturing ppl, hearing other ppl cry in pain(often pain inflicted by me), drama, acting, drawing, poke fun at ppl, things that shine/glow/reflect light, guys that are shy, food stuck on my teeth, sucking my own fingers, biting them, massages, give others massages, cute soft toys, birthdays, new years, celebrations, ppl, holding hands, clouds, rolling on grass, rolling on the floor, pissing enemies off, greetings, thank yous, reading interesting books, staying up late, disturbing other ppl, light drinks, coffee without sugar, tea with lots of sugar, sugar, ice cream cakes, mash potatoes, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, tea eggs, salads, fried oyster egg, fried carrot cake, Mr. Leong, listening to strangers talking about interesting things that are unknown to me.

I dislike orange juice, plain hard boiled eggs, oily food, lack of sleep, doing homework, ppl calling me in the middle of the night when i am sick, anger, hunger, rain, ppl who think they are simply great, unfriendly ppl, racist, sexist, any of the -ists, doing house chores, being told off, telling ppl off, kids that put on alot of makeup, liars, cheaters, ppl who like to assume, smoked salmon, raw oyster, red bean soup, red bean buns, all red bean products other then ice cream... same goes to yam, guys who scratch their crotch openly in public, cowards, finding dead fishes in my fish tank, overly religious individuals, inconsideration, discouraging comments, bad grades, biased teachers, crying, boredom, talking, screwing things up, extremely dirty jokes, coloured crystsentimum tea(however you spell it), forgeting the spelling of words, warm nights, cold days, loud noises, loud ppl, screaming, singing out of tune, losing, bathing, washing my sportshoes, pimples on my face, being unable to fit into my drama costumes, being taken a bad photo, pms, animals that are too active, hamsters that bite, oats, stuff goin bad in the fridge, discovering the stuff 1 month after it had gone bad, thinking, fats, flabby arms... especially when they are mine, ppl telling me i look fat, school, statistics, mechanics, things that i cannot understand, heartaches, muscle aches, head aches, bullies, finding things, nothing to watch on tv, munching on junk food knowing that they are junk, Mr Neo, lack of attention, inequality, perverts, guys with small hands/short fingers, croakroaches, ant coloneys, finding i have not done alot of homework and i'm still using the com...


Fruitful or not?

The weekend was truly extraordinary..I went on my Geylang excursion with a good friend, and after which clubbing! haha... okie i know, clubbing isn't a very interesting or fun thing to do to most ppl, or atleast most of my friends. I too don't really think clubbing is very eventful or fun, but something there simply attracts me. Maybe it's the people there, maybe it's the surroundings, maybe it's just the feeling that you can be someone else there, and of cause a light drink. ;P
and so, we stayed at boat quay till 3+ where the shops closed, believe it or not, we actually went to the coffee bean to have coffee... haha.. at mid night? not something i'll do definitely on a normal day..well, we were pretty tired from all the walking and searching during our fruitless geylang excursion, and so we decided to lie down for awhile along the Singapore riverbank. I almost fell asleep, but was woken up by the unbearable itch caused by the mosquitoes? no idea, but something that causes itches got me.. anyway, i woke up to a soft snore... it was soothing somehow.. almost charming.. haha.. he is so going to puke at reading this..anyway, it was already 4+ by the time i woke up, and i thought i should be going home, the riverside ain't such a nice place to sleep anyway.. ;P so i turned and wanted to wake my friend up. Oh, it was such a painful decision... As ppl who know me well would know, I love to look at sleeping ppl.. especially when one is sleeping so peacefully... I tried waking him up while wishing he won't actually.. DILEMMA!!! oh well, he woke up eventually. and we went home via a taxi... I'll get to see him again soon. really enjoy poking fun at him hehe...
Well, and then there's Sunday. I was planning on watching a football match in the morning, as you might have guessed, the drink and lack of sleep got me, and i didn't feel like leaving my bed until it was almost noon, which didn't really help, i calculated 6hrs of sleep, which is like so much less then my normal dose of 8-10hrs. and then again i haven't been getting my full 8hrs atleast of sleep lately, which i think is the cause of me having flu now... ;<
anyway, i met up with another friend for a light lunch, picnic and theater. Marriage of Inconvenience. It's a local production which is pretty damn good. It's a comedy, talks about interacial marriages in singapore. The lead characters are pretty straight, which makes the supporting actors really fun to look at. The parents of the female lead were hilarious. The show is about this couple which consist of a philipino male nurse and a chinese female doctor whose relationship is strongly disagreed by both party's family and close kin. It's pretty interesting how they changed the roles of the 'norm' in the play, anyway as you might have guessed, it all ended with a happy ending of the couple getting married and all. Overall, i think the show is a worthwhile one, and i would introduce it to friends whom i think wouldn't mind spending 30 bucks for theater.. ;>