

i like wheels! not the car type of coz.. the snack, wheels... you know.. those wheel like crackers, made of corn, rice, chili,salt, sugar and vegetable cooking oil! they are absolutely delicious!!! i especially like it when it has got bits of uneven seasoning stuck in the holes of it... yum yum!!
and then.. i like it when they get stuck on my back teeth... i love to push them out using my tougue!! i duno y.. it's juz so tasty when eaten like this!
actually, come to think of it.. i like it when food gets stuck on my teeth.. not the ones infront, tt'd be too disgusting.. but i like it when they get stuck on my back teeth.. especially those dry foods... like biscutes and... i think mostly biscutes... chocolate biscutes.. or lemon cream biscutes... i'll purposely produce v little saliver and chew the biscute v rapidly until some of them get stuck on my teeth.. then when there is a considerable mass of semisolid biscutes stuck on my teeth, i'll scrap it off and eat it!! haha.. sounds disgusting when i put it this way.. but it's yum yum!

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