
Early bird gets the worm

well, here i am early as can be, sometimes i really hate it when i can't continuously sleep for more then 8 hrs at night.. it's suppose to be healthy.. but it's kindda weird waking up at 7 in the morning when i've got nothing much to do.. or mebbe i have.. juz dun feel like doing..;p
well, lately been vexed by loads of problems.. 1st, one of my EXs is dying to get me back... and I am DYING.. no idea what's he thinking.. really hate it when guys think they are the center of the universe... Oh sun revolve around Moi... sickening...
well, guess when there's the bad side, there'll b a good side. i seem to be able to open up to people more lately.. but still have to be careful... and my flu seem to be gone overnight~ yippy! feel so much better now! think it was my hampster who caused the flu... ;P guess it's the punishment for me, for not being a responsible enough owner, forgot to change its padding for almost a week.. ;P Opps..
anyhow.. it's been alive for more then a month.. mebbe almost 2 already... much longer then what my parents said (1 week)... and she looks rather happy really.. so mebbe i'm not such a bad owner after all! haha..

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