
bad mood...

it's rather irritating.. i have no idea what happened yesterday night.. but after i finished typing my entry and tried posting it, the com seem to have hanged... and when i back.. the entry isn't there anymore.. so.. i was tired, pissed, and couldn't care less... well, i tot i'd write that entry again today.. but then the feelin in gone, and i don't know where to start or how to go on...
anyhow, i'll juz give the conclusion i gave for "yesterday's" entry..
' love is when you don't care about the physical appearance of the other person anymore, you listen to not how something is said, but what it meant, when you can present your most natural self and know tt you won't b abandoned or critisized' something like tt.... well... i hope this entry wun die on the way to the site... i'm v tired... nitez everyone!!!

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