
bad mood...

it's rather irritating.. i have no idea what happened yesterday night.. but after i finished typing my entry and tried posting it, the com seem to have hanged... and when i back.. the entry isn't there anymore.. so.. i was tired, pissed, and couldn't care less... well, i tot i'd write that entry again today.. but then the feelin in gone, and i don't know where to start or how to go on...
anyhow, i'll juz give the conclusion i gave for "yesterday's" entry..
' love is when you don't care about the physical appearance of the other person anymore, you listen to not how something is said, but what it meant, when you can present your most natural self and know tt you won't b abandoned or critisized' something like tt.... well... i hope this entry wun die on the way to the site... i'm v tired... nitez everyone!!!



i like wheels! not the car type of coz.. the snack, wheels... you know.. those wheel like crackers, made of corn, rice, chili,salt, sugar and vegetable cooking oil! they are absolutely delicious!!! i especially like it when it has got bits of uneven seasoning stuck in the holes of it... yum yum!!
and then.. i like it when they get stuck on my back teeth... i love to push them out using my tougue!! i duno y.. it's juz so tasty when eaten like this!
actually, come to think of it.. i like it when food gets stuck on my teeth.. not the ones infront, tt'd be too disgusting.. but i like it when they get stuck on my back teeth.. especially those dry foods... like biscutes and... i think mostly biscutes... chocolate biscutes.. or lemon cream biscutes... i'll purposely produce v little saliver and chew the biscute v rapidly until some of them get stuck on my teeth.. then when there is a considerable mass of semisolid biscutes stuck on my teeth, i'll scrap it off and eat it!! haha.. sounds disgusting when i put it this way.. but it's yum yum!



yes again, i'll b goin to a prom night dinner and dance that does not belong to myself again..
well, last year i went coz my cousin gave me a free ticket, so what the hell, seem fun anyway... this year, i bought the ticket myself... but now i dun feel like goin tt much any more...
haiz.. the only reason i wanted to go so much was for a guy in school.. and no, he's not some handsome/cute guy i don't know tt every body likes in school. he was quite a good friend, and cute in my eyes..;P
anyhow.. i really liked him. but i can't put myself to be with him.. coz somehow i dun think i'm good enough for him.. it's weird... he is the only guy whom i'll think about for no good reason, i'd want to buy him things when ever i see something cute, and i think he'll like it...
anyhow, now he has got a girlfriend. and i can sense somehow that he doesn't like me anymore... oh well, what can i do?
now i feel sad whenever i see him... to like someone and know tt he will nv like you back again is a pain...
so with this, i'll juz pray hard that a friend i've pursuaded to go to prom would go(he had his problems too) and i can find a table which is far far away on the south china sea... with some other people whom i know...
-The pain-
The pain when we feel
The pain
The joy we have lost
The joy
things would nv be the some again
the laughter, the songs
the sleepless nights we met
the simplest times we had
i yearn to see your face again
yet when i see, there's only pain
nothing can cure
nothing can cure
nothing can cure a heart tt aches


i hope i get my own com soon!

well, like the title says, i hope i'll get my v own computer soon!!
juz for those who don't know, i'm currently sharing com with my bro, which is a pain..
1stly, the com is in his room... tt is, when ever he feels like sleeping, or chasing me out of the room, he will..
2ndly, his is always downloading stuff from the net(the you know whats*), and it really slows down the com when i'm using it...
3rdly, there is absolutely NO privacy when i'm using the com with his presence... (it is beginning to feel irritating, coz i'll have to cover up the screen whenever he walks past)
4thly, i juz want a com that has everything belonging to myself, and only myself... not such a tough or unreasonable thing to ask for isn't it?
haiz.. the prob here is.. haha.. i'm quite a computer idiot really.. i have no idea how to install those internet stuff and all...
you see, my parents sent my bro to some computering course when he was young, and in hope tt he'll teach me when he comes back, they did not send me to any courses which consist of computering. and i only got to use the computer when i was in primary 5 for the 1st time...
well,anyhow, i think i am rather dependent on my bro on technological stuff... mebbe 'my' computer would not be totally mine afterall... i'll still need plenty of help from him.... haiz...


Feeling for the day!!

yippy!!!!!! can you feel it? it's in the AIR!!!!!


never been kissed

what's it like when lips touch lips
i wouldn't know, i've nv been kissed
what's it like when our tougue twist?
i'd love to find out some day
i know we will
i dreamt abt you last night
it was sweet, but too short a time
i wish i'd dream of you more..
or mebbe not
i cry in the sweetness tt's not mine..
we haven't been talking, was it me?
or mebbe it's us..
my heart broke the day you told me
that you have found YOUR
first kiss
have you two kissed yet?
what's it like when lips touch lips
teach me the next time you see me.


wat a day~

here i am again...
went for a pool side bbq party yesterday, it was pure FUN!!! haha... got thrown into the pool more then 10 times i reckon.. and though i hate it when the water shoots up my nose, it was fun never the less.
i really must give it to our royal chief, she is really born to bbq. hahaa... i've nv had such well bbq-ed food in my entire life till now! she's really good at it. the food is not the burnt in anyway, and they are all v throughly cooked! and really delicious too!!
then went for sauna.. in the gents.. ;P coz the one in the ladies dun seem to be working.. so... what the hell, got 2 guys to accompany me and my other friend, it was the 1st time i've been in a sauna for real actually, and it feels pretty darn good after a swim... it's the 1st time i sweated tt much too i think...
anyhow, the party ended at ard 1130, coz some peps has got school the next day, and some others had some really worried parents.. well, me and my friend shared a cab home, reached home at ard 12... was so tired i washed up my swimming costume and went straight for bed.. yawns.. still v tired actually... think i'll be out again in a while.. cannot take it, alone at home.. go outside to wonder also feels better.. ;P


Early bird gets the worm

well, here i am early as can be, sometimes i really hate it when i can't continuously sleep for more then 8 hrs at night.. it's suppose to be healthy.. but it's kindda weird waking up at 7 in the morning when i've got nothing much to do.. or mebbe i have.. juz dun feel like doing..;p
well, lately been vexed by loads of problems.. 1st, one of my EXs is dying to get me back... and I am DYING.. no idea what's he thinking.. really hate it when guys think they are the center of the universe... Oh sun revolve around Moi... sickening...
well, guess when there's the bad side, there'll b a good side. i seem to be able to open up to people more lately.. but still have to be careful... and my flu seem to be gone overnight~ yippy! feel so much better now! think it was my hampster who caused the flu... ;P guess it's the punishment for me, for not being a responsible enough owner, forgot to change its padding for almost a week.. ;P Opps..
anyhow.. it's been alive for more then a month.. mebbe almost 2 already... much longer then what my parents said (1 week)... and she looks rather happy really.. so mebbe i'm not such a bad owner after all! haha..


I'm Back!!!

it's been a long long time... juz finished my private entry, now for the open one.... well, guess my diary wun b of tt much content as compared to some of my friends' (they write bloody good novels in their entries) mine is juz, like i said... assorted nonsense..
think i'm sick today... actually i think i should stop thinking.. i AM sick today.. down with flu.. think i'll have to take a nap soon.. the flu bugs really got into me... used up half a roll of tissue already... argh.. dying...