
I've got my self a diary!!!

Yippy! I've got myself a diary, a written one. That means I can carry it around and write down things when ever I have an inspiration!! Rather pleased with that actually, and it is small and cute as well!! ;P and of my favourite colour! haha... I've written some stuff in it for the past 2,3 days already. And, it's written in Chinese, kindda hoping for it to keep my Chinese with me, Chinese writting really need regular practice orelse characters get forgotten so easily, just like that! although I don't exactly need Chinese anymore acadamically as i've already passed my 'AO' Chinese, quite a good pass as well! A1! but I think I should not forget about the language while i try to polish up my english.. i think i'll need lots of wax to polish that one up though... ;P

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