
zhi ai mo shen ren - Faye Wong

wo ai shang mou yi ge ren
ai mo yi zong ti wen
wo ai qing ting zuan dong de miao zhen
bu ai qi ta chuan wen
wo ai de
bi lian se hai dan chun
bi chong wu hai tian zhen
dang wo xiang yao de zhi shi yi ge wen
jiu gei wo yi ge wen
ahhh~wo zhi ai mo shen ren


The top 10 things U NEVER 1 2 hear in Ur life

1) Son I'm gay
2) Is it in yet?
3) Lets just be friends
4) It is ok I like bald guys
5) I'm late
6) Dad I want a Manchester United shirt for Christmas
7) We are moving the department to Slough
8) Unfortunately we cannot sew it back on.
9) How much were you expecting to see in your pension fund?
10) It's ok we can try again later



yippy! What can be a better reason for not going to school other then 'I'm doing I-learning'? instead of being in school where everyone else is now. I'm at home! a luxary compared to all the other school goers. normally i would already have to be in school, having my lessons already. ;D (I hope Kamiyama and happyyatta gets jealous.. hehee...)
What fine weather, goin out to play later ofcoz.. haha.... even caught a movie yesterday because i needn't go to school today ;P later will be pool, and karaoke~ ;P haha...
O~ yeah~ i better go prepare now ;P bye the byes~



I'm in my dad's factory now!! hehee... nothing much to do, my father is having somekind of a business meeting now. ;>
later i'll be going shopping with my mom!! haha.. goin to orchard. EVIL TIM! when was the last time you went shopping? ORCHARD GOT ALOT OF PRETTY GIRLS!!! muahahaa... I'll be able to ogle and them, but you can't! not atleast until next weekend!!! whahahhaaa!!!
Yesterday I went for a rock concert on fort canning! Deep Purple~ cool stuff!! 1st time i went for a rock concert, but i enjoyed myself aaaaalot! there were some technical problems, and some really rowdy people amoung the audience(that shouted some really interesting phrases during waits and the technical pause) overall, the band really put all they had into it and some really greeeat songs!!!
oh yes, just incase you peps dun't know who deep purple is. it's an english band, quite an old one, they are all in their 50s now i think, other then the guitarist which is new as the former one left. he was technically very good, but my friends said the original guitarist had more soul. ;>The whole place was crowded by ppl, didn't enjoy the burning chimneys standing around me though... I enjoyed the crowd.;D



What a wonderful 'I-Learning' trip.. haha..
Well, we studied alot of dynamics by the pool table, real life physics practical. ;P haha.. and we also studied about sound waves, and learned about computer technology... ;P hehee...
the day passed by so fast, just about a blink of the eye, i feel like sleeping already.. yawnz.. hmm.. better get some serious work done tmr.. ;>

GooDiE GoOd FrIdAy!!!

A little late, but not too bad i think. Actually I don't celebrate Easter(hmm so easter was on Sunday, never knew, never thought i would get to know. just goes to show how little i know about easter and good friday... virtually nothing.;P), so I've got no idea what it's like, or what it's supposed to be like during Easter. I only know about the colourful easter eggs that are made of chocolate. I like to eat chocolate. but i need to cut down on them , ALOT... I've been growing heavier and heavier lately.. sharks.. no good if I become a fat Circe in SYF... *imagines: Round, ball-like seductress..* I'm quite sure that's not what they are looking for...
My incredibly clever brother gave me my birthday present for last year and this year yesterday. =_="Well, anyway it was a very cute present. It's a Qoo bed side clock! haha... he said that he queued for pretty long to get it.. ;> I like it, he got one for himself as well! so now we have the same bedside clock! ;D
Oh, I love him so much it makes me want to punch him in the face, hahaa~ The Qoo clock is really soooo cute!!!! it's a blue, Qoo's head shape with a pinkish orangy clock face with a Qoo on it, the axis for all the clock hands is it's nose. ;)okie i shall stop.
I tried sleeping with the windows and door open yesterday night... It was a horrible experience, i think i would never do it ever again. I got woken up at 3+ in the morning due to a growing itch on my right shoulder and arm. it was so itchy i couldn't take it.. i turned the fan towards me, and tried to blow whatever is the bugger that caused me the itch away, but it didn't work, part of it i think is also because the moving air kindda made the itch grow as well, so i had to get up at 4+ in the middle of the night to close the door and windows and on the aircon. the cool air reduced the itch alot, at the very least i could go back to sleep.


I've got my self a diary!!!

Yippy! I've got myself a diary, a written one. That means I can carry it around and write down things when ever I have an inspiration!! Rather pleased with that actually, and it is small and cute as well!! ;P and of my favourite colour! haha... I've written some stuff in it for the past 2,3 days already. And, it's written in Chinese, kindda hoping for it to keep my Chinese with me, Chinese writting really need regular practice orelse characters get forgotten so easily, just like that! although I don't exactly need Chinese anymore acadamically as i've already passed my 'AO' Chinese, quite a good pass as well! A1! but I think I should not forget about the language while i try to polish up my english.. i think i'll need lots of wax to polish that one up though... ;P


Rain Rain, go away, come again another day....

hmm.. looks like the rains caused much more trouble then i thought they did. Since that's the case i hope for the rain to take a nice long rest until one fine day where my dear friend don't need to go out field, or rather, until he thinks it's a good day to rain
I like the sun shine, it's bright and cheery, but the rain brings peace somehow.

13 days 1 month
I've lived in pain, in total ignorance
I try not to look nor to see or hear
but is that possible?
Your days surround me
My nights surround you
Your voice in my head
Spinning, spinning
When will this ever end.
When will I be able to look you in the eye
When will you hurt me no more,
deliberately or unintentionally.
Spinning, spinning
When will you seize to charm
When will you stop the hope
Spinning spinning
When will your name stop appearing in my head.
Stop appearing in my life
please leave me alone...