
brain teasers

Post your answer if you have any, I'll tell you if you got it right or wrong. To give more challenge to others, it'll be appreciated if you post me a private note answer.
1) There are 10 bottles of pills. 9 of which has 2.0g/pill pills in it. and 1 bottle with 2.1g/pill pills in it. you are given a weighing scale, but you can only weigh anything on it once. ie, you are only allowed to read off A reading. How do you know which is the bottle with the heavier pills?
2) You have 9 bottles. One of them is slightly heavier then the others. You have a balance which you can use twice. ie, you can take off and put stuff on it 2 times only. How do you know which one is the heavier one?
I'll post the answer some time later.. to keep you guys in suspense for the time being. haha... i got both of them correct!! ;> so proud of myself.. ;P You can do it too! I'll notify you if you get the correct answers though... ;)

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