
Am I becoming more tech savvy?

Or perhaps just the insomnia. :P

So it seems that I'll now be able to update this blog even with my phone! Oh, how convenient. Though I must say I don't really know how that would make any difference to my blogging frequency.

I'm so old school in so many ways. Perhaps it's the reluctance to embrace change. Perhaps it's the unique attraction something old gives me.

Big things happened lately, Malaysia just finished its 2013 general elections. Many complaints of foul play. What did they expect anyway, I thought foul play was expected, but I guess no one expected it to be so blatant and obvious. It is sad to see a country's people go down like this. Turning violent out of frustration and angry at the people who indirectly or directly allowed this to happen. I almost cried while watching a video of people hurling vulgarities while pulling and man handling a bus of foreigners suspected to be phantom voters. These are just normal day to day citizens of Malaysia! And the political party managed to turn the country's good people into neurotic, violent people just for their own gains of money and power. It is really a sad day.

Meanwhile, the biggest things in life happens in the smallest ways. It's really a strange revelation to find that someone can creep so slowly into my life and make my world into something completely different. Now everything I see is with a different light. Unfortunately, not all good things are meant to last. I guess that's the real reason I'm up at the hour blogging.

Did I change much since my 17 yr old days? I don't think so. Still a softie I guess when it comes to love. I wish life could be easier, and gentler on me sometimes.


Kenshin NG said...

Gosh, reflective post or sad post? I think you look the same from the first time I met you :)

Angeluv^ said...

Oh my, were you still following this blog? Haha. Im utterly surprised!