
New experience~!

Who would have guessed? I tried out for the 1st time in my life being a beer promoter in a pub! And not just a normal pub.. It's a sleazy one down at Joo Chiat Road.. hahaa.. :P Okie. perhaps I'm sounding a little too happy for this. But, it was really fun!

I liked the new experience, the different kinds of people I met in the pub, and also other girls who have been in the line for some time. Pretty amazed.

It's funny, but even though alot of the guys in the pub found me attractive and wanted to know me. I could feel a significant difference in attitude between them and me and them and the "Gold Diggers" there. Perhaps it's the way I hold myself, or perhaps, it's just the way I am. They treated me with respect which I found very nice considering they are guys that went to the pub so as to hug and snuggle with unknown vietnamese girls, or perhaps any girl that comes around.

Things were cool. There were some guys that were playful teasing me and making things difficult a little, but it was all healthy fun. And there was also this one guy that was particularly helpful to me. Teaching me the ropes of the trade when he figured that it was the 1st time I was there.

One thing I still couldn't figure out though, was how was it that I still looked studious after changing into the Uniform? hmm.. I simply couldn't believe it. When I met up with my partner, I could understand, coz I was wearing kindda a smart casual, so she couldn't believe that I was to be a beer promoter. But even after I changed into the uniform in the pub, there were still alot of the pub goers that asked me if I was still studying and/or commented that I didn't look like someone who would be hanging out in a place like that. I've got a face too cute for sleazy pubs? hahaa.. Or perhaps too nerdy.. :P But hey, I'm neither.. maybe it was just the way I was. *shrugs*

Anyway, things ended unexpectedly well. I was a little worried at 1st, wondering how it'd be like. If I would be able to handle it. Will I meet bad guys. Blah blah blah.. Ya, I know, I count myself pretty lucky this time round that nothing negative happened to me. I know I won't be doing this kindda job again unless I'm really really in need for money. It's afterall just for the experience, and for me to look at life in a different light. A different angle, and in the shoes of another group of people whom I'd otherwise never have the chance to see.

See, this is the fun of life. The fun of being alive.



I'm ill.. AGAIN!!! bloody hell.. how many times am I supposed to fall ill in a year?? I seem to be having alot of problems with my health this year.. One moment I'm ill, the other I am hurt.. guess.. I also went through my richest and my poorest in the past 3.5 months.

It's funny.. I should have been alot richer now that I think of it.. having the pay that I had.. Even my CPF account is doing better than my Bank Account even if at it's peak! I wonder where all that money went.. hmm...

Well, I guess it is true. People say, when one earns double, they usually spend double as well.. some even triple.. Perhaps I'm one of those fools. Well, having the ability to enjoy the luxuries of life is something that will always remain tempting. And like James said. One can never make enough money.

Now that I give more thought into, it is true isn't it? Look at the incomes and expenditures of different classes of people! The poor, earns little, and spends little. The Rich earn alot more, but ALSO spends alot more! In the end, their relative riches are the same. They are all equally in debt. For a house, a car, home appliances, food.. everything! aren't all humans the same in needs for survival?

Well, having said so.. Survival is the same.. but life is more than just survival isn't it? People will always hope for a better life, a more luxurious house, a nicer car, more delicate food, beautiful clothes.. It's what makes most people feel alive. Not that I'm promoting materialism as a good thing, but sometimes, these are the ways that are the easiest to the feeling of achievement. The feeling of power and ability.

Although it is said that there's a lot more to life than money and power, I think money and power is just as important as anything else. But all in all, the most important thing is to be happy. Things that you want or find happiness in doing or possessing, whether requiring money or not, the way to be happy is to fulfil it. Goals in life need not be a great career, need not be as noble as world peace, but just things that individuals look for and want. A need can be easily satisfied. They don't make people happy most of the time, it's just survival.

It's when people get what they WANT, then that is what creates the most satisfaction.


In school.. exam period

Will do some more studying later.. Currently still picking up my lazy bones with little tweezers. :P

Today's paper was alright. It's funny how I kindda like exams sometimes.. Though most of the time they don't seem to take the same kind of liking towards me. 4 questions, each with part a) and b). 2 hrs. I nearly got a cramp in my forearm while straggeling to look for answers in the notes. I wasn't cheatin lah.. It was an open book exam. :P the questions were like 10 or 20 marks for each section!!! and truthfully speaking, there isn't that much to write.. we were all contemplating on lighting the car when the examiners drove past us after the paper. I wonder how I'll fair. Probably not bad, probably not great either.

I guess I've always been the "middle class" student. Some people (people who have not been in the same class as me) always like to think I am the smart kind that will the top scorers or something in school.. But. Oh well.. I don't fair badly so long as I put enough heart into it. But I'd mostly end up second best. 2nd for translation competition, 2nd for singing competition, all Bs for my Primaty PSLE AND my JC 'A' levels. Secondary school's 'O' levels was quite encouraging.. 5 As.. but then again, it didn't really land me anywhere there great anyway due to the way points were computed. I wonder if this will carry on in life..

Studying for OB, sometimes makes me wonder if it's internal or external attributions that brought me this far. And I'm almost afraid to say that it was almost always external. A stroke of luck maybe. *shrugs* how far luck has brought me, how much further will it bring me. I've always thanked the-guy-up-there for all the things he, or perhaps she, has done for me. I guess I do believe in fate.

I was playing Minesweeper on Windows the other night.. I couldn't sleep, and like always, I derived something useful out of the, eye tearing, mind breaking, luck directed game, which was otherwise quite simple and useless. It's just like life. Everyday, like every game, is different. Trying the same moves may not be dumb. But what WILL be dumb is if you don't spot the opportunities when they finally pop up. If you don't put your mind and heart into it when you finally have the chance.. chances are, you will just lose the game and it's not everyday that you find such chances again.

I didn't win any of the games that day. I blame it on my lack of sleep and mental frustration. But everyday is the same. chances come and chances go.. whether you are prepared for it or not.

So, perk up! there'll definitely be atleast one game that is good for you. And when it is, thank Mr. guy-up-there and buck up to do the things you gotta do! :)


Miss SG.

Disappointing. Not to talk about the top 18. The top 10. Where's the Glam? Where were their brains?? Seriously, I think only 3 of them answered with poise. Otherwise, the Singlish was disgusting. I was about to think it was a joke. Good thing the final 5 performed a little more up to standard. Come on! You guys were competing for MISS SINGAPORE UNIVERSE!!! You guys, or rather one of you, is suppose to compete in MISS UNIVERSE in Las Vegas?! What the hell.. I picture disgrace for the country and its women.

I'm not saying I am better. But it really makes me wonder if they had put any thought into it at all before they decided to join the pageant. Bimbos are probably the last things Singapore need.