
brain teasers

Post your answer if you have any, I'll tell you if you got it right or wrong. To give more challenge to others, it'll be appreciated if you post me a private note answer.
1) There are 10 bottles of pills. 9 of which has 2.0g/pill pills in it. and 1 bottle with 2.1g/pill pills in it. you are given a weighing scale, but you can only weigh anything on it once. ie, you are only allowed to read off A reading. How do you know which is the bottle with the heavier pills?
2) You have 9 bottles. One of them is slightly heavier then the others. You have a balance which you can use twice. ie, you can take off and put stuff on it 2 times only. How do you know which one is the heavier one?
I'll post the answer some time later.. to keep you guys in suspense for the time being. haha... i got both of them correct!! ;> so proud of myself.. ;P You can do it too! I'll notify you if you get the correct answers though... ;)


The world is too small...

What happens when 2 enemies meet?
The world gets smaller, and the people gets bigger.

What happens when 2 lovers meet?
The world dissappears, and they are the only existent.

What happens when 2 stupid persons meet?
Everything seem smaller, but the problems just grows bigger.

What happens when 2 stupid lovers who are now enemies meet?
They'll never have any idea how much each other loves.



I'm SOOOOOO sad!!!! boo hoo... wha~~.... 4 of fishes died today... sobz...my poor tetras.. stupid tiger bud lah!!! i suspect that they are the culprits behind this case of tetra murder... they were last seen chasing after the tails of the smaller weaker kind yesterday night. I feel so bad not seperating them 1st minute when i saw them doin that... apparently the tiger buds have been terrorising the tetras to such an extend that they are afraid to eat the fish food i gave to them.. in turn causing them to be weaker and less agile, and thus an even easier target to the tigers... The tiger buds are really cruel in their killing fashion, the dead tetras had their eyes eaten, and one was found with only half the corpse left lying on the tank bed.. while 7 tetras survived the massaccre with torn fins and tail, almost half the orginal population has left us and went to heaven. may they rest in peace, and be reborn in to the bodies of tiger bud eaters...


Happening of the week

Being alive is just great! sure, including all the ups and downs, it's still the best thing... (excluding my irritating brother who is screaming behind me now though...)
well, this week has been an interesting one. I just realized i got cheated in love! I still can't believe it, but i'm doin well. that freaking idiot actually smsed me saying:
Basturd: There's something i have been keeping from you, I nv had any feelings for you. there has always been another person whom i truely love, you are just a substitute. I was nv serious towards you, I believe you too. forgive my selfishness and heartlessness.
Me: Well, I thank you for putting so much effort in me then. Good night
Basturd: I put in effort in wadever i do even in playing computer games i can afford to put in those effort for the fun of it... hahahaha... it was fun for me
Me: Fun in my part too! I'm really suffering from lack of sleep, see you tmr~
well, i figured if he was all out to hurt me, there's no need for me to be kind. And to think i almost fell for him... makes me puke now. well, so it ends with a 'see you tmr~' we haven't talked at all since then, other then last friday,where i asked if he can give me back a seashell i got for him on valentine's day. what an asshole really.. 1st he acts as if he don't know of any seashell when i asked my friend to help me ask, then when i asked him to check his wallet for that was where i last saw it, he said he hasn't got it without even looking for it at all!? what the hell, now i really regret giving him the shell in the 1st place, it was such a nice shell, the nicest i've got for that day i'd say....
well, this serves as a lesson, no matter how much you think you like a guy, nv give him anything that you like, or treat him exceptionally good. He'd just throw it down the drain or turn his back at you the next day. heartless creatures...


Don't say 'I Love You'

Don't tell me that you love me
If you don't really mean it.

Coz it may be just a word to you
It means the world to me.

Don't tell me you miss me
If you are thinking of her really..

If she's the one you really miss
Go find her, leave me

I'm not as strong as i seem
I'm not as tough as it seems
I'm not that great, I'm just me..

I may weep, but don't worry,
I'd rather cry now then endure the pain that's ever lasting

Don't say 'I Love You'
I don't want 'I Love You's
i want you love me

Don't say you need me
You don't really need me
If you can seek comfort elsewhere

You are free


Well, I deleted some entries off the diary(very rare of me, normally i just put them under private) anyhow, unless you are really observant i don't really think you'll figure what difference there were, anyway i don't want anyone to find out, (I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT A CHALLANGE)
anyway. it's been some time since i last wrote anything in this blog, plenty happened, but i guess not much that i really want to write in the open.
Well, but there's a happy news(to me) that i'd like to share, when i went to yun nan i got to know this cute guy, and we exchanged address and all, and after one and a half weeks of waiting, i recieved his letter 2 days after i sent a letter to him thinking he would not be writing back. anyhow, i was estatic! well, i replied his letter anyhow, though it was jus 3 days apart from the 1st one i sent.
though so, i do feel abit sorry for him, i noticed that for me to write to him, it only takes 60 cents, but, for him to write to me, it costs him $5.50 ren ming bi. that is quite alot considering normal road side food there is only $1-2.anyhow, i'm still very happy.. ;>


My Wings

You are blessed with FAERY wings. Beauty, laughter, life, magic...that's what you are all about. You are refreshingly innocent and happy with your life of purity and play. Life's a game and it's a good one. In your eyes there's no way to lose! You can be very mischeivous and have been known to cause trouble, but it's all in the name of fun and not meant to really harm anyone. You like to play tricks on people who aren't quite as bright or clever as you - which is almost everyone. Nature is the setting you prefer to be in - Always. Barefoot and wild you can't be tamed. You're probably a restless spirit who loves to travel, and quite a dreamer. Your creativity is astounding and your art (of whatever media - from writing to painting to drama) is like something from another world - ethereal and often very fantasy-oriented. You can either be a social butterfly or a loner with their head in the clouds - but rarely inbetween. You stubbornly refuse to accept responsibility or to give in to the wishes of others - unless you feel like it. You have a strong passion for music and can't imagine life without it. You'll grow up someday, but you'll always be a child at heart. You are adventurous and love to take risks, and feel a deep connection with the weather, plants, and animals. You prefer sunshine to thunder or snow, the warmth of summer to autumn's chill, and quiet forests to suburban backyards. Magic through and through, you are far more powerful than you seem, and are capable of being extremely passionate. Though you can be childish, naive, stubborn, and self-absorbed, one thing is certain - life with you will never be boring!

True or not? that's for you to judge and me to wonder..