

okie this is copyrighted.. but it's sooo cute.. i really have to show it to you peps out there...

The thing in this world that I love the most,(Yes even more than fried eggs on toast)
Is a most fascinating science,Let me tell you it's of great importance.
The science I speak of, is called physics,
It covers things like quantum mechanics,
Thermodynamics, relativity,Electromagnetics and cosmology.

We learn the three laws of Isaac Newton
And Einstein's theory of gravitation.
We learn about the fusion that goes on in stars
And the black holes that live inside distant quasars.

I study this science in Manchester,
In a building named after Schuster.
When I'm in lectures or lab I'm happy
And the people who work here are very jolly.

Like technicians Steve, Pete and Ray
And lecturers Hook, Read and Bray,
Loebinger, Leahy, Cohen, McKane.
Compared to those chaps, I have a small brain.
I'm now nearing the end of my four years;
When I graduate, I will be in tears.
For leaving a place as lovely as this
Will, to me be, the reverse as bliss.

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