
New year!

okie, this is going to be some cheezy entry on the new year....
To all readers whom have been reading my blog, i wish for all your dreams to come true!!! not including the ones which are cursings and are evil to me ofcoz.. ;P
new year resolution? i've given up doing that already... nv really worked anyway... i'll just wish that i can get everything i want i guess....
oh ya! and a piece of good news.. haha... for myself tt is.. i went for new year count down at orchard, and then watched 2 shows, monalisa smile, and good boy. okie, tt was irrelavent, the good news is, after that, i went to mac in search of a toilet.. and i picked up two $2 notes on the floor when i was comming out of the restaurant!! wat good luck! haha.. hope tt means something.. wonderful luck for the new year? ahhaa... extra 4 bucks for the new year! ;P

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