

okie this is copyrighted.. but it's sooo cute.. i really have to show it to you peps out there...

The thing in this world that I love the most,(Yes even more than fried eggs on toast)
Is a most fascinating science,Let me tell you it's of great importance.
The science I speak of, is called physics,
It covers things like quantum mechanics,
Thermodynamics, relativity,Electromagnetics and cosmology.

We learn the three laws of Isaac Newton
And Einstein's theory of gravitation.
We learn about the fusion that goes on in stars
And the black holes that live inside distant quasars.

I study this science in Manchester,
In a building named after Schuster.
When I'm in lectures or lab I'm happy
And the people who work here are very jolly.

Like technicians Steve, Pete and Ray
And lecturers Hook, Read and Bray,
Loebinger, Leahy, Cohen, McKane.
Compared to those chaps, I have a small brain.
I'm now nearing the end of my four years;
When I graduate, I will be in tears.
For leaving a place as lovely as this
Will, to me be, the reverse as bliss.


Kun Ming

well, the trip was cooold!!
other then the 1st day where the sun was high and the weather was great!(beautiful clear skies!!) the rest of the 4 day trip was disastrous, the weather was bloody cold... the schedule was pretty damn packed... and i fell sick at the end of it all...
oh well, okie.. mebbe it wasn't that bad.. went to some really beautiful places.. one is magnificent, Jiu Xiang, it's a very big cave formed by the movements of the oceans, it's huge! And really beautiful... hmm.. suddenly no mood to continue.. think the flu really got me this time.. mebbe i should go take a nap or someting... i'll continue some other time...~

Fallen Angel

A stir of the wind
The sunbird shines
Swaying fans, not for the wind, but by the wind
Angels befall this devils' land
Tall pointed spears
Steep edged cliffs
Fire burning the silk coated feel
Fear not, fear grows
For fear fears nothing
With every step, An Oasis
With every breathe, The breeze
The devils wither upon her feet
Heal the devils, heal
Hear my call,
For I am who I am,
The fallen angel of this land



schedules for drama meetings are already out, it's 3 times per week now, would be 4 times per week next month, and most prolly 5 times... which is the whole damn working week... haiz.. actually i don't mind going for rehearsals, and practices, it's fun! i mean really, where else would you be able to act like a slut without getting bad comments? hhaa... i love acting, not that i'm v good, but i like it. the only thing is, it's really tiring, especially when some of the rehearsals start at 530, but my school ends at 340.. that leaves me almost 2 hrs with no aim in life.. i know i should be doing homework or something... but.... :P
oh well, i haven't told you all what am i acting in have i? our skol is holding this annual drama night thing, and this years play is a musical, 'odessey' it's a greek story, about gods and all... oh well, anyhow, there's a character named Circe, a sexy beautiful god, who likes to turn men into animals. and that is MOI! hehe.... it's a really fun character.. but i'll have to act physically rather closely with Odesseus(the main male leading character) that gives me the giggles... ;P i'm just not use to teasing a guy i guess.. the previous rehearsal was so funny, i really hope i won't start laughing in the middle of anything when it's time to be serious... ;>
that's all for now, i wrote a poem on my script the other day.. was rather bored.. haha.. hmm.. think i'm post it here some other day... ;P lazy to take it now... oh ya, i remembered ALL my lines already!!! i'm so happy.. haha.. :P chaoz~


Eats, shoots and leaves

A panda walked into a restaurant and ordered a sandwich
It finishes the sandwich, takes out a gun and fired twice into the ceiling.
Puzzled by the actions, a waiter caught up with it just as it was walking out of the restaurant, and asked:
'Why did you do that?'
The panda took out a badly punctuated nature book, and said, 'Coz i'm a Panda. Check it out yourself!'
The waiter flipped to the relavant pages and read.
'Pandas are black and white, bear-like animals which eats, shoots and leaves.'
Quite interesting ei, bad punctuation can really make things hilarious, i read this off a book written by a punctuation stickler, it's really funny, it you get the chance, should really buy and read it, Title: EATS, SHOOTS AND LEAVES

pessimistic me

Always been a PESSIMIST.
Nothing can change the way i think of things.
Nothing but a PESSIMIST,
If you don't like the way i am, JUST LEAVE!
I am but a PESSIMIST
Always would be a PESSIMIST
If you ask me what is it,
I would tell you it's just like this


I don't know

Sniffing the flowers
walking My way
Nothing will stop me
Nothing can
I'm on the road to self destruction
My middle name is despair
But does anyone care?
Does anyone care...
The Sun still shines
the birds new songs
Everyday would just go on
But as the Sun rises tomorrow
I'm not me anymore
I'm gone
vanished into the early fog
Laughing at the people
Laughing at all the people
All the people who are laughing too,
at whom?
I don't know.


New year!

okie, this is going to be some cheezy entry on the new year....
To all readers whom have been reading my blog, i wish for all your dreams to come true!!! not including the ones which are cursings and are evil to me ofcoz.. ;P
new year resolution? i've given up doing that already... nv really worked anyway... i'll just wish that i can get everything i want i guess....
oh ya! and a piece of good news.. haha... for myself tt is.. i went for new year count down at orchard, and then watched 2 shows, monalisa smile, and good boy. okie, tt was irrelavent, the good news is, after that, i went to mac in search of a toilet.. and i picked up two $2 notes on the floor when i was comming out of the restaurant!! wat good luck! haha.. hope tt means something.. wonderful luck for the new year? ahhaa... extra 4 bucks for the new year! ;P