
SAT and Bin Tan trip!!!

well, i spent the next day trying to get some sleep and study abit for my SAT on sat.. haha... looks funny.. anyway, i didn't really get to study much for my SAT, i don't really know what to study in the 1st place... so i spent the day sleeping and went out of dinner...
it was quite a rush in the morning.. i tot i'd be late for the test.. felt a strong sense of relieve when i saw a friend getting on the bus i was on, atleast i know even if i'm late, there's somebody with me..haha.. then i reached school went to look at the notice board which is supposed to tell me where my test venue would be... the only problem is there's a lump of people already infront and all around the board, and they dun seem to understand what the intructions are saying.. so they stand there, blocking everyone else and do nothing more then trying to figure out the meaning of the scribblings on the board... it's times like this that i am glad i'm short.. haha.. squeezed through the crowd and got right infront of the board, looked for my name, and found it at the bottom corner. it was so troublesome having to squat down when everyone ard you is crowding around. anyhow, i got the information i needed fast and got out as quickly as i can and headed for the venue..
the time stated on the admission slip for us to gather is actually 0815, but we stood outside the venue, talking, killing time til it was 840+ when we got in and settled down the chief invigilator told us that we would start at 9... but she talked sooooo slowly, and kept on forgeting certain instructions, the paper only started at 920. by that time i'm panicking already, i'm suppose to catch my boat to bin tan at 2, and have to arrive at the ferry terminal by 1. counting a 3hr and 10mins paper(including the intervals between each section) i can only finish at 1230, not forgeting the sllllloooowwwwwww collection of the papers. i was thinking if i should hire a plane instead of a cab to the ferry terminal..
ah well, nothign much i can do... can't stop having the urge to stand up and ask the invigilators to work on it and stop strolling around while giving out the papers, but i prayed for time to past slower instead...
after the paper commenced, my mind was more or less taken up by the questions instead of the ferry, or bintan... or atleast for the verbal sections...
math sections were easy... chicken feet i'd say..(just hope i wun get careless mistakes) but the verbal sections really killed me.. i had alernating questions of 'know how to do' and 'no idea what's it talking about' so i can safely say, i only did 50% of all the verbal sections... ;P die.. haha.. oh well, i figured it'd be better then guessing and then having marks deducted instead..
the paper finished at 1230, i was panicking like crazy by then.. the chief invigilator is still giving common sensical instructions in detail, and they were collecting the paper and the question paper seperately one by one.. sooo slllloooowwwwly.... i feel like dying... i couldn't wait any longer, when one of the invigilators came over to collect my answer booklet, i asked if i can go 1st.. he grant me, but by the time i got out it was already 1240... kill me...
to be continued....

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