
late entry

okie, this is on prom.. haha.. i know, it's over for like 5 days already, i couldn't find time to write until today.. i'll tell you abt tt later..
prom was great!! more fun then i expected myself to have! haha... the dinner wasn't v filling though, too little though i had quite alot of everything... ;P
but i must say the mc for the event quite sucks... haha... they were such a put off really... trying too hard i'd say.
other then that, it was fun! had my servant for the day, haha...(i'd call him slave for i pay him 1cent/2hrs, but he likes it 'servant' more...) haha.. it really feels good to have somebody carrying stuff for you, helping you take photos wherever and whenever, and send you home! hahaa... ;P THANK YOU!!!!
then i got my slow dance... it's the second time in my life tt i had a slow dance, and i cannot belive both the times were with the same person... it was fun, though alittle shocking towards the end... i'm not goin to tell why, coz i know somebody who's reading this knows whom i'm talkin about..
the photos are still with my servant, he says tt they looked like shit, i haven't got the chance to take a look at them yet... think they wouldn't b tt bad lah.... hahaa... the camera he brought was too professional, it had manual flash and manual focus... which is v troublesome as compared to a dummy camera.. haha... poor guy, he got tired of adjusting the focus and everything after taking like 5 photos, then he got cleverer by standing in a fixed distance for all the photos.. hahaa... you can guess the out come..
anyhow... i got home at ard 12+? or is it almost 1... bathed and changed and slept like a log... think i'll talk about what else happened in my eventful week in my next entry...

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