

i reached the ferry terminal by taxi still in my school uniform, if i had known earlier that so many people wore outside clothes to the test i would have as well. oh well, i checked in took my tickets, got into the waiting lounge and then went to change... alot of people there were lookin at me b4 i changed, they must be thinking what's a school girl doin with such a big bag goin to bin tan?
the waiting lounge was packed with people... many of them with big bags of golf clubs and some with boxes of food and drinks(i guess they're there for a bbq or someting) we waited for a while, then boarded the ferry.
the boat rocked like mad, or mebbe it's juz that i'm not use to the motion, i felt quesy, and wanted to vomit after like 30mins... thank god i didn't, land was only 15 mins away by then, and i felt that it's not worth it vomitting on the boat at that point of time...(all the embarassment) the boat reached land b4 i couldn't take the rocking and rolling anymore and it felt great to be on nice stabel land once more... we went down to get out passports chopped, and the q was all messed up! my q was like 4-in-1, it took me ages to get through the custom, while the other q was sooooo fast.. darn.. anyhow, i constantly reminded myself that patience is a virtue, got throught the custom after like 30 mins? or mebbe more, i didn't really want to look at the time...
anyhow, due to the 1hr time difference between bintan and singapore, i reached bintan the same time i left singapore about 2...
it was fun.. i checked in at my hotel. at bin tan, night falls really early, by 5/6 it's already as dark as 7/8 or mebbe even 9 i got some sun at the beaches b4 night came, but it was light.. had dinner, and then went out to get some fresh air... the night was beautiful, starts shimmering in the skies, the splashing of the waves on the shore, silky fine sand running through my toes with every step. then i discovered the mana mana beach party!!! haha... good music... lotsa people... the kind of place i can get drunk without having to drink... had quite some fun dancing away most of the music was nice and v dancable.. fun ended at around 2, where i got alittle tired, and decided to go back and get some rest for the next day...
the next day, i had to book out by 12. my ferry leaves at 815 bintan time, the bus from the hotel to the ferry terminal leaves at 7.. tt would be 7 hours to kill b4 leaving.. i decided to go on a mangrove tour after looking at it's broucher... it looked interesting. it's only 2 hours, so i decided to take the 1-3 o'clock tour and come back to the beach for more sun afterwards. where it's not tt burning... so instead of getting burnt on the beaches.. i got burnt on the boat during the tour... darn, i didn't think the trip would b so exposed to sun... my right shoulder is suffering from my naiveness now... the trip didn't out to be as interesting as i thought it would be... it was juz a boat trip along the mangrove forest.. saw a few snakes, a lizard, some monkeys, plenty of mangrove trees, funny roots(it's a good thing tt i chose the time where it was low tide though) and some interesting plants.. and not forgetting the flying fish i thought i saw skipping off the water...not once, but twice! oh ya.. and some clam fishers.. young and old.. little girls and boys in the river lookin for clams... it sounds kindda interesting now.. but when all this is over 2hrs.. it's not tt interesting anymore... ;P plus, the sun was scotching hot...
got back to the beach after that... rested on the beach, the sun got me really tired somehow... when i woke up, the skies were grey, and strong cold winds were blowing.. it was so cold..i didn't tink it would rain, but after i got into a cafe for some hot chocolate and resting... it started to drizzle... not for v long though, guess the strong winds blew the rain clouds away pretty fast... after awhile, i ordered my dinner which took 25 mins to be served, and had my dinner b4 getting to my bus... and ofcoz brought some sand back for 2 friends who said they wanted it...

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