
it's a song,i don't know what title to give

I miss the stars up in the skies
I miss the way they shine
I dream of them when ever i cry
I smile whenever i see them
I can hear the trees outside
I can hear the songs
All the songs the winds are singing together
I can hear, I can feel, warmth around my heart
Oh my stars, don't say goodbye...

just a short song i suddenly thought of, don't think i'll be able to remember the tune anyhow, treat it as a poem if you wish..

Disney Songs!

Disney's songs are the best!! they are really good, but the new ones... .. anyhow, here are some of the songs i love! all from disney ofcoz..

Beauty and the Beast... but ofcoz, it's classic
Can you feel the love tonight--Lion King
Colours of the Wind...you could have guessed
Go the Distance--Hercules
I Just Can't Wait to be King--Lion King
Kiss the Girl--Little Mermaid
Little April Showers--Bambi
One Jump Ahead--Aladdin
Part of your world--Little Mermaid
Something There--Beauty and the Beast
Under the Sea--Little Mermaid
When you Wish Upon a Star--Pinocchio
Winnie the Pooh--Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree

not too many i think, if you call and do some tricks which makes me wanna sing, you'll be able to hear all of them...;P I just love them! look out for more disney's songs!!



well, i spent my x'mas night with my parents and their friends in a japanese restaurant not too far away from my home. the food was yummy, but not much of a x'mas feel.
after the dinner, we had log cakE! cheese log cake!! haha..tt was the best log cake i've ever had..(actually i only had log cake 3 times b4 ;P) any how, i just love cheese!!! not v common among singaporeans i heard, well... though i don't really think the effects of diary product work well on me..(think for yourself what effects they have) my slave should know i complained to him b4.. haha... he is such a sweet guy... haha...
so, i didn't really celebrate x'mas on the day i'm supposed to i guess, i even went for homework on x'mas day... well, after that it was just GREAT!
I went to help out as an arsher for a local production---Cindere-Lah. it was simply hilarious!! hahaa.. it's a musical by the way. The songs were great! and the plot was hilarious, especially the evil step sisters who were played by Hosen Leong and (i'm sorry i don't know your name) ahhaa.. well, any how for those who don't know.. they are both guys, Hosen is a skinny chinese guy, and the other is a rather massive malay guy. they were outstanding in the musical.
The play was a v interactive one.. where the performers have almost constant interaction with the crowd, and v singaporean... cracked some singaporean jokes, which were simply true! hahaa..
anyhow, after that i went to my gf's house for the night, played monopoly with her mom till 3+... spent the whole night eating and playing. then slept for say, 3 hrs and woke up at 7... it was pretty fun! and now i hold the record of being the friend who spent the longest hrs with her b4! haha.. ;P
anyhow, she won the monopoly game.. quite sad actually.. darn.. she got all the expensive grounds!! and i was too careless... (well, you can't blame me! tt was the 1st time i'd played monopoly for the past 10 years!!)
okie... boxing day is almost over as well... and i'm seriously suffering from lack of sleep.. getting a head ache.. nights!!
ps/ slave, please don't kill me.. i know i still haven't done much of my hmwk... i'll try to get them don't, or rather get more done tomorrow k! ;P


Colours of the Wind~

This is my favourite song well, or atleast this is one of the rare songs which I think i can sing really well ;P

Colours of the Wind -- Pocohantus(wonder if i spell correctly though ;P)

You think i'm an ignorant savage
and you've been so many places
I guess it must be so
But still I cannot see
If the savage one is me
How can there is so much that you don't know
You don't know

You think you own whatever land you land on
The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim
But I know every rock and tree and creature
Has a life, has a spirit, has its name

You think the only people who are people
Are the people who look and think like you
But if you walk the footsteps of a stranger
You'll find things you never knew, you never knew

Have you ever hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?
Or ask the ginning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?

Come run the hidden pinetrees of the forest
Come taste the sun sweet berries of the Earth
Come roll in all the riches all around you
And for once never wonder what they're worth

The rainstorm and the rivers are my brothers
The heron and the otters are my friends
And we are all connected to each other
In a circle, in a loop that never ends

Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?
Or asked the ginning bobcat why he grinned?
Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?
Can you paint with all the colours of the wind?

How high does the sycamore grow
If you cut it doen then you'll never know

And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
For whether we are white or copper skinned
You can sing with all the voices of the mountains
You can paint with all the colours of the wind

You can own the Earth and still
All you'll own is Earth until...
You can paint with all the colours of the wind



hmm.. what a nice weather we have here today...
nice nice.. i like it when the sun shines..
i can hear light chirping outside, it feels good to just close your eyes and listen some times... the sounds of moving vehicles driving left, driving right.... big and small... winds brushing lightly across the leaves of the trees... the clock ticking above you.. it just feels great.. so peaceful...
well, enough of all the yoga, i gotta get out to get my movie tix for LOTR! ;P heard it's pretty damn nice... cya!



it's raining... it wasn't when i fell asleep, everything was bright and cheery, i even opened my windows for the sun to get in...
Dark skies
Rain drops
Fear filling up the room
Have I been asleep
for too long
Have I dreamt
for too long
The sweetest dreams are gone
I wake to the storm


happy happy!

despite me being scraped off some heartless creature's favourites list, denying me entry to his blog, i'm having a tonne of a good mood today!
opening your eyes is easy
when you have something to look forward to
smiling wide is easy
when there's someone you are thinking of
feeling warm is easy
then you know someone's thinking of you
loving is easy
when you know tt someone loves you too!
on the mirror i wrote
a secret message
'thinking of you'
when the morning breaks
when you take your shower
you will see my heart's with you
a silly angel
and a silly monkey...
missing you as always...


Holidays are ending!!! DIE!!!

oh no! the holidays are coming to an end! and guess what? i haven't done more then 2 pages of my homeowrk.. which is suppositly 20-30 pgs in total? or mebbe more.. i'm goin to die.. tt's for sure.. i can juz see it, when skol reopens, and the teachers come into class..."Everyone, take out your holiday homework and pass it to the subject reps" i'll be at one corner shivering and hope the various tutors dun remember that there are 18 persons in class rather then 17... oh my god.. i'm goin to be sooo screwed..
okie, some of you might be thinking.. if tt's the case, why am i writing in this crap instead of doin my homework then? well, i did try yesterday.. then i found that i lost 2 stacks of worksheets out of the 4 that is given out... and then... i tried doin the ones i could find, and i got stuck on the 4th q... i'm so dead.. not only did i not do the hmwk, i forgot how to do them as welll... and the questions were not tt hard really, if i had did it at the start of the holidays, i would have finished them in a wiz, but thanks to mjy procrastination... DIE!!! arhhhggg



i reached the ferry terminal by taxi still in my school uniform, if i had known earlier that so many people wore outside clothes to the test i would have as well. oh well, i checked in took my tickets, got into the waiting lounge and then went to change... alot of people there were lookin at me b4 i changed, they must be thinking what's a school girl doin with such a big bag goin to bin tan?
the waiting lounge was packed with people... many of them with big bags of golf clubs and some with boxes of food and drinks(i guess they're there for a bbq or someting) we waited for a while, then boarded the ferry.
the boat rocked like mad, or mebbe it's juz that i'm not use to the motion, i felt quesy, and wanted to vomit after like 30mins... thank god i didn't, land was only 15 mins away by then, and i felt that it's not worth it vomitting on the boat at that point of time...(all the embarassment) the boat reached land b4 i couldn't take the rocking and rolling anymore and it felt great to be on nice stabel land once more... we went down to get out passports chopped, and the q was all messed up! my q was like 4-in-1, it took me ages to get through the custom, while the other q was sooooo fast.. darn.. anyhow, i constantly reminded myself that patience is a virtue, got throught the custom after like 30 mins? or mebbe more, i didn't really want to look at the time...
anyhow, due to the 1hr time difference between bintan and singapore, i reached bintan the same time i left singapore about 2...
it was fun.. i checked in at my hotel. at bin tan, night falls really early, by 5/6 it's already as dark as 7/8 or mebbe even 9 i got some sun at the beaches b4 night came, but it was light.. had dinner, and then went out to get some fresh air... the night was beautiful, starts shimmering in the skies, the splashing of the waves on the shore, silky fine sand running through my toes with every step. then i discovered the mana mana beach party!!! haha... good music... lotsa people... the kind of place i can get drunk without having to drink... had quite some fun dancing away most of the music was nice and v dancable.. fun ended at around 2, where i got alittle tired, and decided to go back and get some rest for the next day...
the next day, i had to book out by 12. my ferry leaves at 815 bintan time, the bus from the hotel to the ferry terminal leaves at 7.. tt would be 7 hours to kill b4 leaving.. i decided to go on a mangrove tour after looking at it's broucher... it looked interesting. it's only 2 hours, so i decided to take the 1-3 o'clock tour and come back to the beach for more sun afterwards. where it's not tt burning... so instead of getting burnt on the beaches.. i got burnt on the boat during the tour... darn, i didn't think the trip would b so exposed to sun... my right shoulder is suffering from my naiveness now... the trip didn't out to be as interesting as i thought it would be... it was juz a boat trip along the mangrove forest.. saw a few snakes, a lizard, some monkeys, plenty of mangrove trees, funny roots(it's a good thing tt i chose the time where it was low tide though) and some interesting plants.. and not forgetting the flying fish i thought i saw skipping off the water...not once, but twice! oh ya.. and some clam fishers.. young and old.. little girls and boys in the river lookin for clams... it sounds kindda interesting now.. but when all this is over 2hrs.. it's not tt interesting anymore... ;P plus, the sun was scotching hot...
got back to the beach after that... rested on the beach, the sun got me really tired somehow... when i woke up, the skies were grey, and strong cold winds were blowing.. it was so cold..i didn't tink it would rain, but after i got into a cafe for some hot chocolate and resting... it started to drizzle... not for v long though, guess the strong winds blew the rain clouds away pretty fast... after awhile, i ordered my dinner which took 25 mins to be served, and had my dinner b4 getting to my bus... and ofcoz brought some sand back for 2 friends who said they wanted it...

SAT and Bin Tan trip!!!

well, i spent the next day trying to get some sleep and study abit for my SAT on sat.. haha... looks funny.. anyway, i didn't really get to study much for my SAT, i don't really know what to study in the 1st place... so i spent the day sleeping and went out of dinner...
it was quite a rush in the morning.. i tot i'd be late for the test.. felt a strong sense of relieve when i saw a friend getting on the bus i was on, atleast i know even if i'm late, there's somebody with me..haha.. then i reached school went to look at the notice board which is supposed to tell me where my test venue would be... the only problem is there's a lump of people already infront and all around the board, and they dun seem to understand what the intructions are saying.. so they stand there, blocking everyone else and do nothing more then trying to figure out the meaning of the scribblings on the board... it's times like this that i am glad i'm short.. haha.. squeezed through the crowd and got right infront of the board, looked for my name, and found it at the bottom corner. it was so troublesome having to squat down when everyone ard you is crowding around. anyhow, i got the information i needed fast and got out as quickly as i can and headed for the venue..
the time stated on the admission slip for us to gather is actually 0815, but we stood outside the venue, talking, killing time til it was 840+ when we got in and settled down the chief invigilator told us that we would start at 9... but she talked sooooo slowly, and kept on forgeting certain instructions, the paper only started at 920. by that time i'm panicking already, i'm suppose to catch my boat to bin tan at 2, and have to arrive at the ferry terminal by 1. counting a 3hr and 10mins paper(including the intervals between each section) i can only finish at 1230, not forgeting the sllllloooowwwwwww collection of the papers. i was thinking if i should hire a plane instead of a cab to the ferry terminal..
ah well, nothign much i can do... can't stop having the urge to stand up and ask the invigilators to work on it and stop strolling around while giving out the papers, but i prayed for time to past slower instead...
after the paper commenced, my mind was more or less taken up by the questions instead of the ferry, or bintan... or atleast for the verbal sections...
math sections were easy... chicken feet i'd say..(just hope i wun get careless mistakes) but the verbal sections really killed me.. i had alernating questions of 'know how to do' and 'no idea what's it talking about' so i can safely say, i only did 50% of all the verbal sections... ;P die.. haha.. oh well, i figured it'd be better then guessing and then having marks deducted instead..
the paper finished at 1230, i was panicking like crazy by then.. the chief invigilator is still giving common sensical instructions in detail, and they were collecting the paper and the question paper seperately one by one.. sooo slllloooowwwwly.... i feel like dying... i couldn't wait any longer, when one of the invigilators came over to collect my answer booklet, i asked if i can go 1st.. he grant me, but by the time i got out it was already 1240... kill me...
to be continued....

late entry

okie, this is on prom.. haha.. i know, it's over for like 5 days already, i couldn't find time to write until today.. i'll tell you abt tt later..
prom was great!! more fun then i expected myself to have! haha... the dinner wasn't v filling though, too little though i had quite alot of everything... ;P
but i must say the mc for the event quite sucks... haha... they were such a put off really... trying too hard i'd say.
other then that, it was fun! had my servant for the day, haha...(i'd call him slave for i pay him 1cent/2hrs, but he likes it 'servant' more...) haha.. it really feels good to have somebody carrying stuff for you, helping you take photos wherever and whenever, and send you home! hahaa... ;P THANK YOU!!!!
then i got my slow dance... it's the second time in my life tt i had a slow dance, and i cannot belive both the times were with the same person... it was fun, though alittle shocking towards the end... i'm not goin to tell why, coz i know somebody who's reading this knows whom i'm talkin about..
the photos are still with my servant, he says tt they looked like shit, i haven't got the chance to take a look at them yet... think they wouldn't b tt bad lah.... hahaa... the camera he brought was too professional, it had manual flash and manual focus... which is v troublesome as compared to a dummy camera.. haha... poor guy, he got tired of adjusting the focus and everything after taking like 5 photos, then he got cleverer by standing in a fixed distance for all the photos.. hahaa... you can guess the out come..
anyhow... i got home at ard 12+? or is it almost 1... bathed and changed and slept like a log... think i'll talk about what else happened in my eventful week in my next entry...


Tonight is IT...

Well, tonight is Prom! hmm... i don't know y i'm so excited, but i guess it wouldn't be as bad as what i tot it would be, since my other friend said tt he may have an extra seat at his table and i may join him instead.
what i'll be wearing: a pink coloured dress tt use to belong to my mom... pink is not exactly the kind of colour i like, but what the hell, i'm sick of black, everybody wears black to prom nights... the dress surprisingly fitted really well on me! though i think i'm alittle fatter then i thought i am, but it still fits rather well, washing the scarf thing which is suppose to go with it now.. hopes it dries fast...
hmm.. though there are people whom i don't really want to see in prom, but then, now i kindda wish it's a whole school thing, where everyone in school would go, and really enjoy it. all grudges aside, all unhappiness forgotted, enjoy the night like it's new year.
i hope it would turn out well, though i still think some sneaky rats would be talking behind my back for no good reason, i still wish the graduation would bring them a new life and opportunity out there. and if they still like to talk behind other person's back, i think they would get to know what's LIFE OUT THERE...
goin to prepare for my stuff now, mebbe take a nap too.. hehee... chaoz..