
New me

hahaa.. finally got down to doing a little updating and changing my template. still blogger templates though. hahaa.. Considering I'm still quite a com idiot, it's already a big improvement. :)

I still want a matching tag board. haha.. but. as per usual, I don't know how to get one. haha.. so just stick to comments for the time being ba. :P

alot has happened since I last blogged. Went to China and Malaysia and Bangkok and finished my previous semester, going to finish my current one very soon, haha... seems like ages since I last blogged. oh well.

I'm in a new relationship as well. And I think it's a good one.

Although I still do think of B once in a while when I revisit those familiar places.. but mostly I don't think much about him any more. i guess time really can cure most if not everything. :)

I've opened myself up better now as well, getting more involved in friendships and other people. i think it's a good thing. I don't feel so solitude any more and really is enjoying life and it's surprises a lot better. Perhapz people aren't that different after all.. or perhaps I've finally found people whom I can relate to better. Glad. hahaa

I wonder if anyone still reads my blog actually. sometimes I hope no one does, but on other times, I kindda find it encouraging that someone actually does. hahaa.. oh well, I don't visit this blog much any way, won't be surprised if I am the one who visits it the most. :P anyway, I'm thinking of putting some links up on my blog. Perhaps some of my friend's blogs. hahaa.. not now though.. tired after all the setting of colours and laying out the template. hahaa....



Anonymous said...

yo!!! guess i'm the first reader on your 'improved' blog? any prizes?
glad to know that all's good on your end. =)


Anonymous said...

oh, and stay happy!!


Anonymous said...

thanks tim darling

Gavin said...

time sure flies! Soon you'll be graduating. wow!

Angeluv^ said...

Yeah~~!!! hahaaahahahaaa