
Long time no see~

howdy ho, how have everyone been? It's been sometime since I last updated my blog. Sorwee~~

Anyways, been down with some physical discomforts lately and I have concluded that my body works oddly and is very much very different from most other humans.

It seems that a little bump that will cause enough pain for discomforts will appear at my pelvic area whenever I'm not feeling very well.. It's weird. I was just about to get paranoid upon it, wondering if I've got some sort of pelvic cancer and what not, when my mind suddenly recalled seemingly having had the same fear before, in another occasion of coz. And so I decided to ask my mom about it before going to the doctors or doing anything about it. Right as my memory proved, my mom told me that I have for many times consulted her upon the matter of having a small painful bump at the exact same spot. It apparently comes and goes, comes only when I'm down with some other illnesses, and goes as my body recovers. Perhaps one day I should consult a doctor about the matter..

otherwise, all seems well. I guess I do more than many things with determination that's easily challenged. emotionally, I'm exactly as a libran should be and is.

btw, Mr. Seah! How's the workshop thingy going?


Will he even think of me?

These feelings that I cannot hide
There are things that I just can't comply.

I'm sorry, but believe me when I said I tried.
It's not easy to build castles on clouds so white.

If I could choose
I'd rather be on the other end of the line.
And finally. Not even a good bye.


The Ideal man.. In my opinion

Okie, people sometimes ask me, 'what kind of guys attract you?', 'What kind of qualities do I look for in men?', 'What is your IDEAL guy like?'. Well, I guess there really isn't something called ideal in this world. Ya sure, I can state what would be ideal to me, but I guess it'd be impossible for me to find someone who would fit right into that ideal.

But in anycase, for those who care to read, and ever wondered what attracts me and what don't, here is the answer to your wonders.

In no order of preference(coz I really don't know which one is more important, I guess they are all independent indicators):


1) Is taller than I am by atleast 18cm.

2)Is not hideously ugly.

3)Can cook simple foods.

4)Dark skinned

5)Has a little belly(okie, I'm sick)

6)Has big chest.(mebbe breast as well :P)

7)Not skinny. (Meaning anything from under weight to BMI below 23.5 *okie, I changed my mind after some calculations)

More important matters:

8)Is patient towards me.

9)Makes me feel special.

10)Has a talent/area where he is especially good in.

11)Is out going.


13)Cares for me.

14)Loves me.

15)Is genuine, and tells me everything.

That is more or less my ideal guy. I haven't met anyone who fits into all of them, maybe I did, but I didn't get to know them well enough to think so I guess.. Anyway, it's just an ideal picture here that I'm painting. If I ever do get to meet someone like this, I'd expect him to be married or have no interest in me at all.. so... Oh well~