
Is casino for Singapore?

Well, my friend and I sparked off an email debate on whether Singapore should allow casinos or not. His stand was that we shouldn't, it's not worth the economic benefits, and I'll only serve to promote social ills.

And of coz, being me, I supported the idea of having casinos in Singapore. I simply don't see why not? Essentially, I feel that gambling is just a form of entertainment. And just as Singapore would allow for sentosa and Escape theme park to be built. I don't see why casinos should be different. Afterall, it's not like we won't gamble if there weren't a casino.

Of coz, I do not support gambling in a fanatic way. Hoping to strike it rich through this, like what my dad always say, 'lucky more than smart' manner. It is very much impossible.. most people fail anyway, and I do not deem it even worth trying. But as far as I'm concerned, gambling is just for pleasure.

And it's not the least like drugs!! The thing about drugs is that, they are 'entertainment' ,yes, but are they good for health/have any benefits to human at all? no. drugs are not only purely for entertainment when misused, they also have a tonne of negative effects on people.

I think it'd make more sense for the people of singapore to teach our future generations that gambling is not the way to wealth then to ban it. I'm not coming from the 'good for economy' point of view, but rather, every year people choke on food and die,does it mean we should ban eating?

Singaporeans have been far too pampered, life should not be that you do things because you were told you can do it, but to have the ability to evaluate and think through whether it's worth doin and how much of it should be done. to the simpliest example, if you were given an unlimited amount of your favourite food. Should you stuff your face and eat till you vomit? or should you just have enough of it to make you satisfied? Now, the government is like the chef. He serves us only a small serving of the food each time, making it much easier for us to determine what is 'enough' and what a 'serving' should be like. but that is not good! the world is like a buffet. how much can we,individual humans, depend on some other individual human being?? we are essentially the same, but very different in every sense! I personally would not like to think my life is dependent on another person, and that my decisions are influenced by a large yet relatively unimportant(in this case) and non-personal group of people.

And as for Homos wise, I don't think all other religions than thais are against it. I believe buddhists hold a neutral point of view. Afterall Buddhism itself kindda thinks that everything boils down to nothing. but I don't really think this is a religious issue to start with. What ever it is,it's not as if it's a trend, or people decided that they wanted to be homos. it has been there for thousands of years, and as they weren't trying to be different and were born with their preferences, it's probably a natural thing. and i don't see the point of defying nature.not like human race will die out, i just view them as defects of god's creation. btw, I really don't quite believe in christianity. so I don't really care what they say. they are extreme towards 'people who are going to hell' and so I'll be extreme towards them too.

Can you feel a painful soul?

A million stars.
A million ways to look at them.
If only you know how much they use to make me smile.
If only you know that they wet the bed I sleep in now.

With tears.

With tears I learn.
I was naive and giving.
I was silly and forgiving.
I was in love.

In love?

In love with nothing but a lie.
With no one.
For I'm nothing but the smokes in the skies.

I'll leave no traces even if I tried.

So how could I have loved?
I couldn't even try.
You wouldn't feel it even if you'd like.

And you wouldn't, coz you are cold as ice.

And you wouldn't
You already made up your mind.


Genting Trip!!

Yap, went to genting highlands with my parents for the long week end. my dad only stayed for a night though. He had to join his Hainanese clan members for the penang trip. :<

But anyway. I went clubbing for both the nights. One with a friend, and the other by myself, since I made friends the 1st night, and agreed to go again the 2nd night just to meet up and have a drink.

The trips were very fun, other than that I had to sneak out at 2am for both nights as our hotel wasn't anywhere near the disco at all.. about a 10-15 min walk..

Got to know 2 russians who were originally Italiens.. Gary and Frank. They are cousins and their dads ran a business together.. amazing rich from what they say. but it's hard to decide whether they are just making up stories. Anyway, they were very nice. Frank is younger and cuter. haha.. :P he was what caught my friend and my eyes initially actually. But it was Gary that came over and made friends. Quite funny, coz he came over and asked me for a dance. And just as I agreed, the music changed from slow to techno.. haha.LOL. well, he was quite a gentlement, unfortunately though, he looks like a mafia.. haha :P

Anyway, so he introduced us to his cousin and some other friends they made while they were there.. We even went Karaoke-ing after the club closed.. until 4.. haha..well, which explains why I only went to bed about 7am for both nights.

The next day though, my friend had to go down from genting to go to penang with my dad and his friends, so I went alone. made some friends, went back to the hotel, came out at 2, and found my russian friends! haha... was rather happy. But found it rather awkward if I were to just go up and say hi. (wouldn't want them to know I went about looking for them..) especially when there was a malay girl hanging around them as well..actually more around frank than around Gary. So I made a tactful move and eventually found myself talking to them and all again.

So, just as the night before, we left only after the disco closed.. and went for supper after a heart stopping 10-15 mins where I thought I lost my phone..

so it was Gary, Frank, DJ, DJ's wife, Malay girl and me. went for burger king as it was the only place still open for decent food. and after that we went to a coffe shop kindda place and had some more drinks. I had 7up though... never liked beer. We actually stayed up all the way till 6!! amazing.. haha... poor Gary has been tired for the whole day, yet sweetly agreed to accompany me.. :P touched.. haha.. Did I say he looks like a mafia though? haha..

Anyway. lets talk alittle more about this Gary guy. He is cute, not in a conventional way, but still cute.. well, I guess, not many ppl will relate MAFIA to CUTE though.. :P in any case, one thing I find very adorable about him is that he is such a straight forward and says what's on his mind kindda guy. alittle extreme in certain sense.. very anti communist. But adorable in his own way. I found it absolutely amusing the way he said that "bulgaria is fucking ugly." and " I hate whores" I mean.. okie.. he might sound alittle violent under my discription. But really, he meant it from the heart, kindda in a kiddish, spoilt way. He is the only child after all.

We had fun having nice conversations and making little playful jokes. and then suddenly he said that I am a smart and innocent girl. haha.. weird. Well, people say I'm smart sometimes when I make them feel that way by saying something interesting or clever. But this time, I didn't really do anything, and when I asked him what made him think I'm smart, he simply said that he can see it. oh well. No harm boosting my self- esteem alittle.. quite desperately need some since I've been rather depressed lately regarding certain issues.

They say that the next time they have to do transit in Singapore, they'll make it a stay instead. Which is great! I can't wait to see them again! (My friend is dying to see Frank again actually.. hahaa)


Why can't we just be friends?

Things will never be the same again.



Yap. That's what I'm feeling atleast. Well, it's a big, no, Huge step for me. I don't know why, but I find it hard to trust my lovers, if not, actually anybody else but myself. And now I'm putting in trust on him.

I no longer hold suspicions on him, and ask him questions that I use to ask. I sure damn hope he won't betray it. But he hasn't called, or even msged.. and now i miss him so..

'So when shall we meet again? Wed night?'
'You've got stuff on tonight?'
'Yes. You didn't tell me you were free tonight, and I thought you'd want more time with your parents'
'Well, I didn't tell you I was free last night either. So you made plans long before, don't make up excuses. I'll meet you tmr night then.'
'ok :P'

And it ended without my usual grilling of "Dating with some other girls again issit??" and now I'm in a sort a depression.. a mild one.. it's the kind of feeling of helplessness and unease, it's the feeling of my low self esteem fighting with my ability to give trust. It feels horrible..

We established trust. And I think I should keep to it.. but it's so hard to do.. and I really do feel bad... haiz.. Well, we never said we were exclusive to start with. but I'm in love..

And I really do love him. every part of him. Every gesture, every look...And I miss him all the time.. I can't help it but feel annoyed by myself sometimes.. I probably wouldn't love a lover like myself.

And so here I am sitting..
For I trust for fate to be.
And while I fight to keep this peace
I hope for peace in me.


Meng (dream)

yun yu yu chu ming
kong niao si qian yi
yu wang ke ren lai
you kong ke ren qu

falling ill...

A little pain in the throat

too much sambal, fried food and sweet drinks, not enough sleep..... haiz.. I miss sleeping through the day..



hahaha... Will I be able to make it? Will I be the 1st person in the history of mankind to actually FAIL BTT?! I certainly hope not! results will only be out in about 4 days time. they should really set up the test on the computers so that the results can be calculated instantly. more efficient and makes more sense, since the questions are always the same anyway...

So.. I'll only know how i fair about fri? can't wait for advance theory... WHO HAVE THE ADVANCE THEORY TEST BOOK?? I NEED TO BORROW~~


haha.. my basic theory test is tmr~! and i haven't even bought the text book.. whahahaa~~~ siao liao..

stress.. keep feeling like pooing.. but too lazy to go out... :P nan dao zhen de shi, lan ren shi niao duo? opps.

well, I better go get the book... wa la wa la~~



B will be coming back today! :P miss him so. can't wait to see him.

last night didn't sleep well... stupid chow chow.. yawnz.. gonna go for french lessons soon... stupid chow chow.. stupid pigster... haiz.. pigster....


Website of dive school.


This is the website of the dive school that will be conducting the dive course I was talking about.

Slave, I know you very problematic one.Got alot of questions to ask... If there are still questions try email/tag coz my sms Inbox auto clears msges after sometime.



So many things...




There's a transcript just below the tv. So read that instead if the sound is a little too distorted.