
At 'xiao dong tian'. of coz i'd have to take this picture.. it's far too tempting.. :P There's supposed to be a route under the big rock and out at the side actually.. but I think ppl somehow managed to think of making it into a big toilet... the smell of pee is so strong inside.. it's disgusting.. I'd suggest staying outside.. Posted by Hello

I am a rock, I am an Island!

Rocks feel no pain and Islands don't cry...



Clean white sheets with the most delicate embroidery.

Taking time out and not getting angry with me.

Kisses in the morning.

Hugs in the Evening.

Can't wait to see you every day, every minute, every second... I'd willingly give you my soul.

Finally you are opening up to me. Having more patience. And always finding ways to make me smile.

Yes, if you are wondering. And if you understand what I'm saying.

And I'm having the time of my life. Having the ability to look at the Skies and simply smile knowing there's someone out there worth me smiling at.


Gone with the wind.

I was looking for my neverland when I found an oak tree that was wise and charming. I fell in love with him as he sheltered me and showered me with leaves of love. I built myself a nice little tree house right between the branches, and nailed the ladder to the trunk. I harmed him without knowing as the nails rust.

And now, as the sun rose, I peered though the leaves. There was the path where I meant to continue walking. In search for my neverland. I have stopped and relied on this oak tree for too long.

Was it really love?

Or was it just dependence?

I've decided that it was a stop, and not the destination. And so I'm packing my bags and taking apart the tree house.

I'm sorry to have left you scars, but I'll have to continue my journey now.

Where's my neverland?


Back from Hainan~!

With 2kgs of, probably, fats more. And a severe lack of sleep.

It was fun none the less.. I got really vain after I got there.. coz things there are simply sooooo cheap!!! I'll post some pictures up later..

i was so upset before i left though.. coz i lost my digital cam.. sobz... i only just got it as a present before i left for england...and there were pictures that I wanted inside as well... I was so sad... still am actually.

well, anyway. Hainan was alright. a little too much of the 'shopping' though i think... they brought us to diamond dealers, pearl dealers, precious gems dealers.. bleah bleah.. wha lao.. spend money and waste time only loh..

the last 2 days were kindda more fun though. had more cultural and historical visits. like visiting the different tribes and observing their lifestyle(though largely staged..but still better then nothing i guess). and visited the old house of Su Dong Bo. And also the tomb of Rui Hai, the most looked upon official in Hainan throughout their history. Apparently he did money laundering so as to get money to built roads for Hainan.. kindda like robin hood?

We also visited the tropical plants garden.. and some other nice places which i can feel my tired brain refusing to recall now.

We played with fireworks.. so much of it. And they were not just the normal fireworks.. they were the national day kind. really big and super nice.. we actually bought fireworks that added up to 1600rmb.. which was scary.. haha.. the big(national-day like ones) looked like Iraqi missile launchers. :P

The plane got delayed when we were coming back yesterday night though. it should have been a 2300 flight.. but it got delayed to 2350. and we only got home around 6. The view on the night flight was unbelievably nice.. most people would think night flights have no view at all and everything outside the plane would be pitch black. but they are so wrong.. I woke up in the middle of the night and looked out.. the view was the most incredible one i've ever seen in my life. and probably might just be the nicest i'd ever get to see in my lifetime.

the skies were covered with stars. Constellations of all sorts and all with different brightness from near and far. It was amazing. One can even see the gas patches, which is normally only possible with a relatively good telescope, with our naked eyes. I guess it's due to that we are far away from the light sources from the ground. Making the skies darker then ever and we nearer than ever to. And the best part was that there were no clouds or minimal clouds(which were all below the plane anyway) which made the skies look bigger then ever. It was as though I was on a space ship rather than a plane, as though I could see another galaxy. And just to make the view even more stunning.. while we were flying across Thailand and Laos, the lights from the ground were clearly visible as well(no clouds at all!).. So the lands were lite by the orangy lights and fire, and the skies were covered in little white diamonds. Absolutely amazing.

I tried to take some pictures of it.. but it didn't quite work. too little exposure and too small I guess.. I'll upload them to my com still though and see if it's visible on a bigger screen.

That's all for now. I'll upload the pics some other time!! chao~


work work work

was calculating my total hours and total pay yesterday.. actually not that much.. but i suppose it's alright for my 'first paying job' might just add up to $1000+ bucks by the end of it.. which would be nice..hehee.. will have to set aside some money to bring my parents out for a nice dinner! :P

well, today is rest day, that's y i've got the time and all to contribute to my blog. otherwise, I've been bz either with sleeping or with working.. i haven't really been home anyway.. coz the new work place is at bugis, rochor center.. so i figured it'd make a little bit more sense to stay at my friend's place for the time being.. can get more sleep, and less travelling.. other then my dad's driving.. i get sick almost in anyother vehicle.

job wise.. rochor is kindda boring.. not many ppl. and dun really have to promote much.. but it's always fun coz the tiger and carlsberg promoters there are very chatty and nice and fun to be with. And I even got the chance to take my 1st ride on a 'xiao mien yang' aka scooter yesterday coz carlsberg has got one. ;P

tiger is a very hard working girl.. has got like 2 jobs now. and hoping to look for some more after this CNY job is over.. probably me too..

and.. haha.. sorry Mr seah.. :P i didn't go to the mime thing again.. coz of work lah.. ;P and then.. since there are only a few sessions left.. probably i'll go when the next 'season' starts? *procrastination... no good.. should try to change the habit.. but.. haha.. next time lah..* ^_^