
Facebook is so evil it's hard to describe it

I spent the last 2 hour of my time playing zuma blitz because it kept leveling up and giving me renewed lives. :( and then when it's 15 sec from having another life renewed, I find myself sitting infront of the computer.. staring pretty much blankly at the screen wishing time would past faster while my mind runs over time on what else can I do in 15 sec before I can play zuma again.. and when I finally decided what I can do in 15 secs.. there were only 7 secs left and I may well just continue staring blankly at the screen while waiting for the next round to start again. It's pure evil I tell ya.


And life goes on like the Titanic

Full speed ahead!!!
"Sir there's an ice berg ahead!!"
"No shit! brake and turn!"
" too late sir!" "!#@%$%&% CRASH @#$^%%*^&
"damn it?!"

yup. that's the way it is at the moment.



Isn't that the strangest thing sometimes.

My post on Wang Mei Ling's song has recently been the hottest post apparently. garnering atleast 3 comments every week, largely by shameless advertisers and a few by Mr Anonymous.

You see, the problem is this, one can never be sure what that is. Is that another shameless advertiser in disguise? Or is there really and invisible person who really likes my posts... so much that he leaves me comments every week henceforth but without revealing himself. maybe.. his name is V, V for Vendetta. And for all we know, it may well be a Miss Anonymous.. or even a Mrs or Mdm Anonymous for that matter (althought Mdm Vendetta kindda loses its finesse...).

But with all due respect, I would think, if one really mean to encourage, they should stand out and do it atleast with a name.. being anonymous is like sending a card to your father with

"You are the best Dad in the world, Signed Anonymous"



Hello world~!

Got interested... call me big headed, but my old posts actually got me interested in reading more of the old posts... and more and more... and then I started thinking, "hey I wrote some pretty cool stuff back then!" :P *and the bubble pops*

OK. I'll have to work on this blog a little bit more. It's like a little baby. at the moment.. who is.. erm.. something like...a midget... due to malnutrition for the past 4 years. :P But I *promise* I'll feed it more food from now on.

So! how's the world going? over the past year I've been given the grand honour of "The Oracle" cool eh. hehee.. yeah, I'm your typical Little Miss Know-It-All.. hopefully not one that irritates the hell out of people though.

Feeling rather un-intellectual today.

It's funny how I seem to feel like I'm losing intellect as I grow older. And unfortunately, the recent IQ test that I did on my brother's phone seem to suggest that my intellect IS indeed dropping. :( not that I was very clever before, but this is devastating.

on a happier note, I got drenched in the rain just now. Whee hee~ not. but it was ok, thank goodness I had shorts underneath my white dress. does feel kindda nice to be in the rain some times.. so long as there's not ensuing air conditioning at some ridiculous temperature that felt like -40 degrees. :)

Birthday dinner to attend tonight. meeting at 6, and at 5pm now, it's pouring like if the clouds held back, they'd get psychologically unstable. *rolls eyes* need to go home.... *screams* why?? Why?! WHY??!!! do I really have to get drenched twice in a day to please the gods? :(

*resigns to fate*

So be it... hope it'll get smaller later. :) chaoz~


and the tale goes on...

some updates on my whacked life. :P

been a week or more of hitting a complete rock bottom.

Got bitten by some unknown bug in the office, resulting in an allergic reaction that left me with a very itchy, swollen and disfigured right hand (thank goodness it's better now).

went to see the doctor only to find out that there are some other bugs in the office that started chewing on my legs and my legs became itchy and spotty too... and had to go back to the doc again to get an anti-histamine shot. :(

family arguements.

feeling unappreciated at work and at home.

feeling unwanted relationship wise..

Broke a temperature display that resulted in alot of unknown liquid spilling all over the table and carpet not forgetting the sick smell that the liquid gave out (smells like pesticide) and made me giddy.

Lack of sleep.

Lack of human touch.

Right eye is having a bad vision.

legs bruised because of the bites and scratching.

I think that is already depresssing enough.. :(

Nothing seems to be going right. I hate it. But I suppose on the upside it would be that, if i'm at rock bottom, things are only going to get better. (and that is IF i'm at rock bottom.... I sure hope worse aren't waiting around the corner). In which case, talking about corner, I nearly knocked a kid who was running around in the carpark down yesterday as I was turning out of a corner. :( thank goodness my mom alerted me when she saw the kid.

ok. that's all for my whacked life today. peace out.