
My wisdom tooth is so unwise.

My wisdom tooth is so unwise. ;(

Out of the soft bed of my gum.
A little tremor came unsung.
Little by little did it grow.
Hidden and humble till it showed.


Oh… what pains it brought.
With it came scraps with evil thoughts
A cozy corner they’ve come to rest.
And I’ve been having to deal with this discomforting pests.

To the people in white coat I go
Back and forth. To and fro.
Perhaps I should just let them go!
But yet my feelings tell me no.

Spare my jaws this painful nightmare.
Spare me of this all.
Why is it my very wise tooth,
Turned out not wise at all?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how are you?

Just wanted to show my appreciation for your time and hard work