
Uh oh...

What's wrong with tag board?
hahaa... as per usual, I don't really know what to do actually... coz the tag board was set up by someone else... :P thus, I'm sure you would have noticed that the setup of the page has never changed since I got it.. coz I don't know how to change it. hahaa...

Anyway, so if anyone is kind enough to help me solve my problem.. thanks~!

Been... BBBBBBBBZZZZZZZZ lately.. project, presentation, report... everything coming on at the same time!!! and all have to be handed up within this week.. where got time?! kaoz.. tonight still have to go to school for rehearsal and finalising of presentation.. you see waht I mean now by NO TIME? finalising a presentation only 1 day before it.. less than 24hrs in fact. The school is crazy.

Some updates on life, outside of school.. I went for IMF as a helper, as some would know, (though I don't think they read this blog), and it was fun. I got to make a lot of new friends, and also got to be an announcer! (incidentally, I've always been fasinated by the job, always wondered if it was recorded or live, how did they manage to speak so well.. blah blah..) not a career for life, but hey, I liked it.

Some other things that I did... I went for a super dinner, infact 2 super dinners actually.. one was my treat, wanted to treat my family since I've got my pay, which I thought was good enough to make me feel like pampering my family a little to some seafood.. but then.. as per usual, they pang seh-ed me.. so it was left with my and CL.. but any how, we were already at the owen seafood at turf city, so ordered like egg yoke crab(super nice), cheese baked lobster(oh, you really must try this), prawns in herb and wine soup(I finished the 2 persons' share), and buddha jumping over the wall(you know.. you know..). hahaa :P understand why it's SUPER now? ended up like super full as well... like.. cannot walk properly that kind of full? hahaa.. and then the next supper dinner was a treat from CK, super posh jap restaurant in crown hotel.. apparently it was visited by President Nathan, ex-president Ong, and also the ex-ex President.. hahaa.. other famous people also includes PM Lee and some others I didn't have time to look at the photos.. well, we actually had a room prepared for us, and the food was very fresh and very nice. :) some very special too~! every dish was presented to us like an art piece.. the sashimi was like.. the plate had maple leaves and little purple flowers on it.. even the simple fruit dessert (persimmon<= special right?) was put in a nice little glass bowl with ice and granish in it. Even though, it was just half a peeled pessimon in the bowl, it made it look so much more pleasing and appetising. incidentally.. I really like persimmons as well.. haha.. :P

what a yummy Oct. :) Looking forward to my other lunch and/or dinner treats.. haha :P ciao~



Been so long since I blogged..
feel as though I have disappeared from the surface of the Earth? :> don't worry, I'm still well and alive.. don't be too disappointed okie?

alot of things happened I guess.. between that time when I blogged and now..
some things haven't change.. I still feel for that certain someone.. doesn't help that he smsed me to wish me happy birthday and said that he missed me just like.. yesterday.. hahaa :P was kindda happy though.. perhaps I'm just happy that I was not forgotten.. that he hadn't forgotten about me, just like I don't think I ever will forget about him.

Well.. he is planning on going back to US to do his MBA.. which may actually mean that he'll not be coming back any more.. I'm not sure if we'll ever meet or not any more then.. much less if he'll remember the times we spent together.. haiz.. why every time I think of him I get like depressed.. but when I hear of that he is doing well.. and stuff like that I get very happy.. hahaa.. like dumb dumb like that.. any way.. he and F are doing pretty well I think.. I think he is finally really considering settling down.. :)

as for me.. I am counting down 2 days to my birthday! hahaa.. nothing much.. though it's the 21st. but I still feel like a kid some how and ppl also say I look like 16. ops. hahaa.. had an incredible dinner today.. L celebrated an early birthday with me.. so nice.. though I still didn't think he should have spent so much money on my birthday. oh well.. didn't really scold him, since he was just trying to be sweet. I'll put up some pictures of the very nice food I had some other time... soooooo tired!!!!! good night~