
Ren sheng zhen wu liao

sorry for those that don't understand...
wo yao men si le!!!! arrrr.... wei shen mo qi ta ren dou xi huan, shen zhi pan wang jia qi de dao lai.. er wo.... jia qi jian zhi yao ming, mei shi ke zuo, yi xiang dao kai xue jiu de kao shi, gen shi... sian 1/2 1/2(gang xue de hahaa)
na, wei shen mo qi ta ren dou xi huan fang jia ne? rang wo xiang xiang... 1)ta men xiang li yong jia qi lai du shu, rang zi ji you chong fen de shi jian yi ying fu kao shi.. 2) ta men xiang tao bi xian shi, zi wo qi pian, bing chen jing zai zi ji de huan xiang zhong, zi yi wei jia qi hen hao wan, wu you wu lv. 3) ta men ben lai jiu bu dan xin kao shi, gen bu zai hu chen ji, fang jia zheng shi ta men xiang yao de, ren sheng mu di zhi wei le wan, wan, wan.
zan qie wo zhi xiang dao zhe 3 ge gao ke neng xing de li you... huo xu zai xiang xiang, you yi jian/jian yi de hua, huan ying liu yan.



I'm so tired.. i need a massage.... hmm.... reminds me of a new friend i made a few days back..hahaa... he is a male massure... hahaa... gigalo? still remains as a mystery to me.. only met him once, chatted abit. don't really think we would ever see each other again.. hahaa... wonder how it's like to be massaging a woman when one is a guy... ;P okie.. thinking too far...


Gucci Gucci Guu...

Happy birthday to you... happy birthday to you... Happy birthday to Slavy~ Happy birthday to you... A day late, but better then nothing i think, well, anyway, he won't appreciate it...
My com is goin alittle nuts, amongst it's other problems(in ability in reading/ decoding chinese, unable to get into some sites...etc) it just automatically deleted what i wrote just now.... it's suppose to be new... i wonder what's wrong... one of the major problem according to my brother(i'm a com idiot) is that the com came with wndows xp already installed into the system... and so, no cd was given to us... thus, we cannot reinstall the thing... quite stupid if you ask me... even a com idiot would think it's not a v clever idea. well anyway.. i don't know what to do with it either.. so guess i'll just have to live with it... and read my chinese mails elsewhere... ;<


Central grading.

yesterday was our drama central grading.... had some screwups.. thankfully not really big/obvious ones.. i thought. Well, anyway, the teachers were please overall, and they think we did great! and... they think we have the chance to win, as the audiences didn't notice the mistakes, the director even praised us and said we were very professional and covered the mistakes well.. ;P hehee... happy happy... now is the nervous part.. we'll have to wait for like 2 weeks for the results to come out.... I really hope we'd win... if not gold, atleast silver.. if not we'll all be devastated... now it all depends on the judge... :< don't like this feeling of helplessness... chao~


Busy as a Bumble Bee

wow.. it's amazing how long it has been since I last used this com.. 1stly, this is in my brother's room, so after drama and all it's late and i don't think i should use it anymore. 2ndly, like i just said, drama... it ends at 7/8/almost 9 for all the rehearsals.. and i mean like 3 rehearsals/ week, which makes me very tired and reach home late..3rdly, when i'm tired i think i should sleep or something more then i think i should use a com..
well anyway, updates on drama! yummy~ it's been great! now that everything has been pieced together almost to perfection the teachers as well as alot of the members are pretty sure we'd get a gold for this years SYF. (lets just pray hard nothing goes wrong tmr...) Oh yes. did i say that the grading is tomorrow?! it's like so exciting!!! I'm so nervous... oh my... i can't wait.. i mean seriously, our school's drama had nv won anything b4 other then the bronze medal we won 2 years ago... this year.. I hope we can really set the record. Who said that NanYang is a Chee Na school? who said that our english drama club can nv make it? huh! we'll show them...
And... after the grading... the teachers would be treating us to the movie Troy! yippy!! haha.. to reward us for our afforts put into SYF be it we win or not.. We will, I'm sure... ;>and so, there is a dilemma.. if we don't win, we'll be sad.. (I mean really, who wouldn't?) but if we do win, that means we'll have to go through another round of competition to compet for the play of the year, best actor and best actress awards etc... which is in july... this kind of life till july? might as well kill us.. haiz.... anyhows... troubling myself with how to run while i haven't even started walking is not goin to help me in learning.. guess i'll just put in my best and pray hard that i won't screw up..... as i often do... ;P Wish us luck!!



The Leaf's departure is because of Wind's pursuit, or because the Tree didn't stop her?