

That tingling feeling down your back... gently down your spine while ecstacy shots back up and fills your mind.

such a pleasurable feeling..

We are all visual creatures, a charming smile, gazing eyes, a face one cannot resist, the out look is all that matters. All it takes for 2 to keep trying is that physical attraction that keeps their love alive. The kind of love that is made of pure adoration, elicited by our sharpest senses.. Touch.. Smell.. Sounds.. Taste.. and ofcoz Vision.

Everything else don't really matter does it.


Chinese New Year is coming!

Looking forward to all the chinese goodies? or are you already munching on them while reading this post? :) in 3 days time, it'll be chinese new year! And I seriously can't wait coz it'll also be the 1st time I'll be going to Vietnam!

Ho Chi Min City has been the name of wonder and curiosities since my early days when I 1st started looking at the news and weather reports. :P Not that many places that are called ____ city in asia. and HCMC just some how caught my eye. :)

Sad to say, lately when I've been telling people that I'll be going to HCMC for cny, most of their reaction was "huh? cny there got what?"


I know... cny probably isn't the best time of year to go to vietnam, but hey, I've never been there, so I'm sure it'll be great! The amount of chinese population is huge there, thus the vietnamese also celebrate the chinese new year. though it also meant that most of the shops won't be open, and that most people will be at home having sumptious meals, I'm sure we'll survive. I'm all for simple stuff anyway, and viet dongs are meant to be small.. :) wish me luck!!

oh right, and i'll be looking for those neat little drip coffee makers. :)