
Stupid blogger deleted away my blog!!!

GRRRRR... nvm lah. I'll write again another day.. :P tired liao..


Live again - Joanita

For one night.
Just one night.
I wish, I could be fine.

For one night.
Just one night.
I wish, I could stand high.

I wish for the courage.
I wish for the strength.
I wish I could be with you again.

I wish for more time.
For it to past slowly.
I wished you had not been
the way you are.

One more wish.
Just one more time.
Just one more night with you.

One more dream.
By your side.
And I'll be blessed for life.

Some times I wonder if
If I could change a thing.
If it'd matter if I died.
And I will forgive
What ever wrong done to me.
Just like it was my last time~~

For one night.
Just one night.
I wish, I could be fine.
For one night.
Just one night.
I wish, I could stand high.
One more night.
Just one night.
Sometimes I wish I could try, Harder.
One more night.
Just one night.
And my dreams will live again.


Ups and Downs... As usual

I can never understand why the more one wants something to happen as planned, the less is its probability of happening. Especially so when the things planned were supposed to be sweet and nice...

I'm starting to think, it's just human. Or atleast a specific kind, like me and you-know-who.

I guess, after some rational and analytical thinking, I've come to a conclusion that our similarity in personalities(frighteningly similar some times) is probably the reason to this issue. Coz, I don't believe it's a very common issue among other couples.. But for us.. Whenever we want to do something sweet, there is just this hidden desire to make the other party 'work' for it. And when the desired treatment is not present, we kindda don't feel like what we were planning on doing anymore.

I told him off(kindda) the last time it happened, that he should not expect me to treat him better than usual coz he is GOING to treat me nice for the evening.1) coz I won't know that he is going to be nice unless he tells me 2) I won't know what is installed for me until it happens and 3) treating someone nice is not suppose to be a reciprocal thing. Well, I'm not saying that I don't make the same mistakes.. but.. ya... I guess sometimes it's just in our personality and cannot help it. atleast understanding it and talking it through helps release the strain in our relationship.

But then again.. haha.. sometimes it's not just purely that as well.. sometimes I feel that it's simply that the guy up there didn't want things to turn out right. like all the weird things will happen at the most inappropriate timing.

Oh well.. I guess that's just how life is. The difference between theory and practical.

Meanwhile, I went clubbing last night at china black. That was pretty fun. most of the time, I'll be able to dance to almost any music so long as I find the songs nice. Which also caused one problem, I have no idea how to differentiate different genres of music. haha.. *confused* Anyway.. went with my JC best friend, her cousin, and his friends... It was pretty good company, a very fun and funny and caring group. :P Feel very safe being out with them.

My god lots of AH BENGS tried to hit on me yesterday.. hahaa... Ah beng magnet.. whahaha CMI lah.. Y only ah bengs? Damn. :P indirectly nearly caused a fight.. ops. oh well.. guys are weird creatures.. I only like dancing with people I know... atleast I feel safe around them.. stranger guys are usually weird.. like, dance is dance.. y can't they keep their hands to themselves? want to train me to become escape artist is it? everytime have to think of ways to run away or find somebody to hide behind of.. the lather option would involve a risk of getting the 'somebody' into trouble as well.. haiz.. heng I don't club that often.. Men...