
self intro? not a good one though...

I am a pig! I'm lazy. Lazier then any human being you thought could have been. Yes, I'm a lazy bum, lazy lazy bum. anything else won't matter. coz nothing beats the laziness in me. yap,
I'm Lazy, And I'm Proud Of It!!



When I fall in love.It would be forever.Or I won't fall in love again.


Holiday sucks....

I went to school today... horrible day to go to school.... another episode of my sucky holiday which i hate. lets see.. what happened today?
Woke up at 730 to reach school by 9. giving 1 hr allowence for getting to school and 30 mins to prepare... soon i realised that 30 mins isn't really enough for preparation to school.. especially when it took me 15 mins to wake up.. well, anyhow... I thought since that is the case i might as well take a cab... WRONG DECISION. i went down to the bus stop... thought i was really hungry and thought, y not take a bus to central to get a bite 1st b4 goin to school... EVEN WORST DECISION! I got on to a bus and headed for clementi central. i reached at 825, it takes abt 20 mins by car to get to school. So i've still got some time, i went to buy a fille-o-fish and ate as i made my way to the other side of the road(the correct direction of the traffic towards my school) I got to the other side, there wre already tonnes of ppl waiting. it was about 830 by the time i reached there... and so i found a nice little spot with only 1 couple waiting for taxi infront of me, thinking it should be pretty fast.WRONG! After wating for about 5mins, one taxi came and the couple took it(normal), Waited for another 5 mins without any free/alighting taxis(not normal) looking at the time, i was thinking if i don't get a taxi now, i'm goin to end up late! i tried dialing for one. i called the taxi company, after having a hard time explaining where i was(as the location isn't exacly anywhere, it's just some where by the road side) finally they are getting me dispatched. listening to the music from the answering machine, while waiting for me to get an avaliable dispatchment(is there even such a word/use??) a taxi came by just not too far infront of me, and some body alighted. thinking since i've already called a cab, might as well let the bunch of relectant school girls take it. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE MOVE!!!! straight after i let them have it, the machine said ,'sorry, but there are no avaliable taxis right now, please dial 1 if you want o continue......' !!!!!!! what! after making me wait and wait, no taxis avaliable!!!!???? to make things worst for me, i put down the phone (coz normally no taxis would be avaliable for a few minutes) and after like 2 mins a taxi which was on call came and picked up a lady behind me! what!!!??? why does she get the taxi but not me!? fish. nvm. i continue to wait.. another god-knows-how-many mins gone. it's about 850 now. frustration.... i called the cab company again.. the machine started dispatching again... why is it so that taxis only come when your call is being attended to? not before a taxi is already allocated and nv b4 you make the stupid call? I cannot hardly believe my eyes when like 3-5 free taxis drove past me coz i didn't flag it due to that i already made a call for one. it was living hell i tell you, watching the ppl behind you get onto the taxiz. and then, i got a call... it was from the taxi driver... where are you huh? are you at the mrt of opp block 320? MY GOD!@@!#$%^#%^ mind you, it was the operator that told me that was the correct way of entering the add and she entered it herself!!! i had to keep my patients while explaining where the hell i was to him. and he said,'orh... so you are on the OTHER side of the MRT station ar... then I'll have to make a turn to the other side. okie? i make a turn, you wait for me hoh.' ARGGGHHGGHGGHGGHHHH it was a super wrong decision to say. okie, i'll wait, coz just then... ANOTHER 2 FREE TAXIS DROVE PAST!!! ONE NEARLY WANTED TO STOP FOR ME.. WHILE I WAS BLOODY RELECTANT TO FLAG BECOZ?! BECOZ OF THE BLOODY TAXI WHICH WENT TO THE BLOODY WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD! nvm.. it took him about 5 mins to make the stupid turn?! and then, he over shot and didn't see me standing by the road... couldn't take it anymore... for him to make a turn back.. probably would take about another 5 mins?(it occured to me that to wait for a called taxi that got lost, missed me, has to take another 5 mins to turn back and costs $3.20 more is just plain STUPID when dozens of free taxis are driving past...)i got onto the next taxi that came by.okie, that leaved me with 2 mins to get to school, even if i had flagged down a fighter jet, i'm not quite sure it'll be able to send me to school without me being late.in any case, to think that would be the ending would be a mistake. getting slighty less tensed on the taxi i msged my friend abt my incredible 'journey' to school, although it almost ended less then 2 kms away from my house. whilst i was smsing him...i heard the someting that could have made me jump out of the car and find the nearest big tree to bang my head against.AIYO, HOW COME I'M SUCH A MUDDLE HEAD TODAY? SHOULD HAVE TURNED IN THE NEXT TURN, WHY DID I TURN IN HERE?AAAAARRRRGGG!!!!!!!! WHY?! WHY?!!!! WHY is MY life sooooo miserable?! he took ages to make a U-turn(by what it felt at that moment) I very nearly went mad.... THANK GOD THE REST OF THE JURNEY WASN'T TOO BAD, the only thing was i had no idea which route he was taking at all.. coz i've nv taken that route b4?(or mebbe he was lost?)
all in all, i reached school at about 915? or mebbe 920. if i had taken the bus to school straight after i reached clementi i coud have reached by then as well.. but noo.. i had to spend $10 to be late for school. and endure the most frustrating day of my life..